The Confession (Momobaku)

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3rd Person POV

Bakugou was in his dorm trying to figure out how to tell the girl he liked that he liked her. 'Momo's just so pretty. Will she even like me?' He thought as he folded his clothes. 'How do I even tell her? She's just everything I could ask for and more!' He groaned in frustration and threw a shirt across the room.

"Son of a bitch! Why is this so fucking difficult?" he hissed and walked over to his desk. He pulled out his homework and started working.

He got to a particularly difficult question and went to Google the formula when he got an idea. He exited out of Google and went to messages. He clicked on Momo's contact and messaged her.


Hey, Momo?

Yes Bakugou?

I don't understand question
18 on the math homework.

Oh! I had a little trouble
with that one too! I'll be
there in 10

Thank you

I'm always happy to help
you Bakugou-San!

When Bakugou finished reading the last message his face reddened in colour. 'She's just being nice you fool!' He scolded himself. But a butterfly of hope still fluttered in his stomach as he rushed to finish folding his clothes.

"Bakugou-San! I'm here," Momo smiled as she opened the door with a key she made.

"Momo! You can't just make a key to my dorm!" Bakugou laughed.

Momo just smiled and made a chair to sit on.

"You could've taken my seat. I'm okay with standing," Bakugou muttered.

"It's okay Bakugou-San! I don't want to be an inconvenience," she smiled.

Bakugou frowned. "But your using up your quirk," he whispered.

Momo smiled and shook her head. "I'll be okay Bakugou-San! I just need to eat something," she chuckled.

"I'll make you something," he volunteered.

"That would be wonderful! Your cooking is delicious," she smiled, clapping her hands together.

Bakugou reddened and sat next to Momo. She looked over Bakugou's work and chuckled.

"What? What's so funny?" Bakugou asked.

"These drawings are amazing," she smiled, passing the paper to him.

Bakugou's eyes widened when he saw the doodles of Momo decorating the page. He turned bright red and looked to the ground.

"They're not that good," he whispered.

"Oh? Then show me better ones," she grinned.

Bakugou pulled out his sketchbook and flipped through it. He stopped when he reached Momo's pages. There was Momo in her hero suit, Momo in UA uniform, Momo in a dress, Momo in a suit, and Momo in casual clothes.

Momo stared at the drawings and a smile crept it's way onto her face. Bakugou kept his face to the ground, trying to hide the redness of his face. He'd spent a long time trying to get everything perfect so they are the best drawings he ever drew. He was incredibly proud of the hero suit. He had basically gotten every detail.

"These are so wonderful! They are perfect! Like a photograph!" She exclaimed.

Bakugou's blush deepened at the praise and he put his hands behind his back.

Momo got up lifted his chin up. Bakugou had to look up due to Momo being taller than him. His blush somehow got darker as he looked into Momo's eyes.

"There's no need to be embarrassed! I love them!" She said with a huge smile on her face.

"Wow, you are so pretty," Bakugou said under his breath.

Momo heard and blushed.

"Ah! Shit! Sorry! I- I-" he was cut off by Momo's finger to his lips.

"Thank you, Bakugou. You are very pretty as well," she said.

His eyes widened and his cheeks turned bright red.

"I- I'm pretty?" He whispered.

"Yes, very," Momo whispered back, blush creeping onto her face.

Momo moved her hand to his cheek and cupped it. He leaned to her touch and closed his eyes. He debated whether or not to tell her now. He decided to stop being a pussy and tell Momo his feelings.

"M-Momo, I like.. I like.. I.. I," he stuttered, avoiding her eyes.

"Go on, you can do it," she encouraged.

Bakugou took a deep breath and blurted out what he want to say.

"Momo, I really, really like you!" He said loudly.

Momo smiled and took her hand away from Bakugou's cheek. Bakugou looked at Momo and then started to back away.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have- you probably already have someone- I'm sorry Momo," he stumbled over his words as tears worked their way into his eyes.

Momo walked towards Bakugou and grabbed his face gently. He stared at her wide eyed with tears running down his face. She gently wiped the tears away with her thumb and kissed him. He kissed back and melted into the kiss.

Momo broke the kiss and put her head on Bakugou's shoulder.

"I like you too, Bakugou," she whispered.

Momo went and sat back down. Bakugou followed and began to sit in the other chair when Momo pulled him onto her lap.

"Momo!" Bakugou exclaimed, covering his face with is hands.

"We're dating now, aren't we?" she asked, pulling his hands from his face.

"Well, yes, but," he began.

"Then it's okay," she smiled and wrapped her arms around Bakugou's waist

Bakugou blushed and grabbed his pencil.

"We have to finish the homework," he chuckled.

"Alright, let's finish this homework," she said and kissed Bakugou's cheek.

Bakugou blushed and turned to hug Momo.

"I love you, Bakugou," Momo smiled.

"I love you too, Momo," he whispered.

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