
19 3 0

anthony — hufflepuff, halfblood
greg — hufflepuff, pureblood (or half)
murray — gryffindor, pureblood
jeff — gryffindor, pureblood
sam — gryffindor or hufflepuff, muggleborn
emma — gryffindor or slytherin, muggleborn
lachy — gryffindor, pureblood
simon — gryffindor, halfblood


tsehay — hufflepuff, muggleborn
john — gryffindor, halfblood
evie — hufflepuff or ravenclaw, pureblood
kelly — hufflepuff, halfblood
caterina — gryffindor or ravenclaw, muggleborn

Their hogwarts houses might inaccurate. So it's based off their skivvy or my estimate guess. I do not own The Wiggles or the Harry Potter characters. I would add Lucia but since she is Anthony's daughter, it would be very odd for them to be the same age when they are father and daughter. I'm not sure about the others. There might be slow updates. Please vote, no hate <3

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