Hiyori's Removal

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Good Morning Gashu Satou

Gashu woke up excited for his job. You see, Gashu is chief researcher of negative emotions at the underground criminal organization known as Asunaro. There he works with a group of other researchers. He wasn't particularly close with anyone... yet. The only person he talked to on a frequent basis was Michiru Namida, who researches positive emotions. She went by that name toward the beginning of her job here at Asunaro, but later switched to Safalin. While they don't necessarily get along, their research can help one another so they are on good terms. But then again, who does Gashu get along with? If we were to rank his friends, Safalin would be his closest coworker.

He also knew a few other people. He had seen Emiri Harai around, but hadn't talked to her very much. He didn't even know what she researched, he only recognized her by her solid brown turtleneck, lab coat, and short brown hair.  He knew Sou Hiyori well, though he was always distant. Hiyori did not seem to like Gashu very much, but he didn't mind. At least they didn't have to interact with each other, Gashu thought. However, Hiyori was an interesting person for Gashu to look into. He had an overflowing amount of negative emotions, so Gashu gained access to his profile and became an expert on the topic known as Sou Hiyori.

This day was going to be like every other, Gashu thought as he put on his burnt orange-brown pants and suit on over his cream and brown striped turtleneck. First he grabbed his Gashu brush and brush out out the little bit of hair he had backwards. He then spread some gel over the top of his head, purposefully leaving out two strands near the middle. These strands would give his face definition and depth, he believed. after brushing out his tangled and bushy mustache, he styled it with a glob of gel, sort of resembling a crab. What Gashu did not know was that this day would be the most important day of his life.

Good Morning Sou Hiyori

Sou Hiyori woke up with a start. He didn't have the best dream, but that was alright. He had high hopes for the day, though secretly he was hiding a bad feeling. His worries were relieved when he looked at his bedside table and saw his beloved scarf. It was red and had polka dots on it, and could move around on its own! They met one fateful night when Hiyori was at an art gallery in New Jersey. He was visiting because he believed the drip there was strong and he wanted to find an accessory for his solid black suit. Luckily, he found the scarf and they became best friends.

The scarf had a mind of its own and it could move each end to its desires, but it couldn't walk. That's why it was always on someone's neck, and for a while, that person happened to be Sou Hiyori.

But only for a while.

Hiyori and his scarf were very happy together! His scarf would grab things for Hiyori and would help him out with any research he needed. They were a happy pair, and eventually, this grew into a long lasting romantic relationship. Now, as the death game drew closer, Hiyori's scarf grew distant. She knew that Hiyori would die, and she didn't want that to happen. It begged him not to participate, but Hiyori couldn't turn down Asunaro's request. Not only because they were a dangerous organization that would kill him if he declined, but also because... Hiyori kind of wanted to. The thought of participating as a traitor in the game thrilled him, and he wanted to participate more than anything in the world. He was prepared. He had already devoted his life to Asunaro, and this was the next step. The ultimate step into fully immersing himself in Asunaro's inner workings.

Sadly, Hiyori wasn't too high in the rankings. Despite his sadistic urges and his astonishing ability to kill and get away with it, Asunaro didn't see him as anything more than a plaything. However, Hiyori was fine with this. This was what he wanted ever since he was little, after all. Anyway, that's enough of that. Now back to the present. Hiyori stepped out of his unicorn onsie pj's and into his black suit, grabbing his brush to detangle the nest on the back of his head. After a while he gave up (like usual) and tied it back into a low rat tail. He wrapped his scarf around his neck and headed toward Asunaro's headquarters.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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