The Entire Story

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Hello everybody! Jakob here! I know I've been inactive from Wattpad for a while. But now, I'm back! And thanks to me discovering Tumblr user modmad's comics from back in the day, I got brought back to the age of the DHMIS (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) ship Padlock, I became so intrieged by the drastic differences between Canon Paige (technically just called Sketchbook by the creators, but I like the name) and Tony and Fanon Paige and Tony. And it's become one of my favorite ships! So I decided to write my own fanfiction, so enjoy!

TRIGGER WARNING!: Nothing too bad, but there is some strong language, and some references to graphic violence. Reader discretion is stressed.

Anyways, I'm done talking! Let's get to the story.

It was quiet, almost too quiet. Tony hadn't been seen in an entire week, and Paige was starting to get worried. While she was still expecting him to sneak up from behind and stab her, a part of her had pretty much accepted Tony probably wasn't going to leave his room.

Harry was sitting across the table from her, drinking his morning cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. He noticed the state of concern on her face, and he got worried too.

"Uh, Paige? You okay?" Harry said, a little panicked.

"I haven't seen Tony in 7 days! An entire week! I'm going to check on him and make sure he's okay!" Paige said, she got up from her seat to head to Tony's room and make sure he was fine.

"Well, good luck! But just keep me, Robin and Manny out of this, okay?" Harry said.

Paige walked to Tony's room, she couldn't hear any sign of him being present, she wasn't about to fear the worst, though. She thought that he was just waiting for her to open the door so he could knock her out with a lamp, rendering her unconsious and pliable to whatever plans he had in mind. What was he even plan---

The doorknob turned.

And the door that led into Tony's room slowly opened.

 He appeared inch by agonizing inch in the doorway, he looked like himself! Like he hadn't changed a bit! But what was different about him was that he wasn't about to attack. There was no sword in his hand. No demented look in his eyes that he wanted to slit her throat. No threatening positions of his body what-so-ever.

In fact, he seemed to have a sense of love in his eyes, he smiled, but this wasn't a demented smile. It was the smile of someone who cared, Paige was confused. Was this the same psychopath who had killed her multiple times over the few weeks he had been living with her and their "students"?

"Good morning, darling! You're looking quite nice today!" he said, Paige knew he was up to some fuckery. She bet he was just waiting for her to let her guard down, then he'd stab her and everything would be back to normal.

"Stop trying to play dumb, Tony! It's been an entire week since I've seen you! I thought you were the competant one of the two of us!" she told him with a tinge of aggresiveness in her voice.

"I'm so sorry, my dear! It's just that I've been trying to process how to tell you about my feelings for you!" he said.

"What...?" Paige looked at his face. She had never considered him as anything more than a challenging if not playful rival. Two people who always battled to defeat and dominate the other. Right now though, she saw him as more, as someone to initiate romantic interests with. She felt his hand on her throat.

He glared, albiet playfully. "Say it." He said in a playfully threatening tone.

She grinned. "Nah."

His grip tightened. "Now. Unless you want to be gutted like a fish. Say it." He jokingly threatened with a smirk on his face.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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