Chapter One

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The Customer

You were in your Twenties, working at Sweeney Todd's Barber Shop. You swept after each customer so everything looked clean and fresh for the next. You took the small job so you can have some way to earn money to start your dream job as a PreSchool teacher. You've spent years working on getting this job, now all you needed was the money.

One particular day, you were sweeping the room while your boss, Mr. Todd, was sharpening and polishing his razors. You spot what looks to be similar to a blood stain, making you curious.
"Todd? Has this always been here?" You ask, curiously and nervously. He was oddly silent for such a man.
He turned to see what you were talking about, also spotting the blood stain-like spot. He stared at it calmly, but looking at his face you could tell he was thinking hard.
"Possibly. Or I could have spilled polish there without noticing." He answers, turning back to his work.
You nod, accepting the possible truth, and sweeping up the last of the dust and facial hair.

The bell by the door rings, alerting both you and Mr. Todd that someone has entered the room, making you both turn to see who came in.
He was rather tall compared to you.
His hair was graying, his nose slightly different from others, and his clothes looked expensive.
"Mr. Todd..." He spoke calmly before turning his gaze to you, making eye contact.
His eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. They stood out from any other brown-eyed man you've seen. They caused you to feel as if you were in a trance, before he quickly turned away, averting his attention back to the Barber.

"At your service," Mr. Todd began to speak, "An honor to receive your presence."
The Judge gives your boss a curious look. "You know me, sir?" he asks.
"Who in this wide world, does not know the great Judge Turpin?" Mr. Todd says, an evil smirk on his face as his eyes never leave the Judge.
Turpin begins to walk towards Todd's side, walking past him and towards the window.
"These premises are hardly prepossessing. The Beadle tells me you're the most accomplished of all the barbers in the city." The Judge says curiously.
"That is very gracious of him, sir." Mr. Todd says smiling, watching Turpins every move as the Judge turns, locking his attention on you as you sweep out the remaining dust and hair.
"Your acquaintance?" Turpin asks, a hint of interest in his voice.
"Just the maid, sir. She won't be here for long; until she gets herself a real job." Todd says a bit harshly, as his anger grows at Turpins interest in you, making the job slower. He has wanted to murder this man for ages, and now he is here.
The two of you make eye contact once more in the silence, making Todd more anxious and impatient. "You," your boss points at you, "Out."
You nod at his order, making your way to the door to leave before the Judge stops you. "I'd like if she could stay. That shouldn't be a bother to you for her silence." The Judge orders, looking at Todd.
"Fine." your boss says, "but only this once."

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