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Nike HoustonKobayashi-BuenosvinosJapanese/Cuban/AmericanFemale—She/HerJune 27th 2000Cancer22 Years OldBisexual5'4"

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Nike Houston
June 27th 2000
22 Years Old

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Around 8:30 in the morning of June 27th a lovely young Cuban lady by the name of Adela Buenosvinos delivered a beautiful baby girl with her Japanese-Cuban-American husband Kobayashi, Ren whom the pair agreed to name Nike Houston Kobayashi-Buenosvinos. If you're wondering why they chose thosw names, it's probably even more of a simple reason than youd expect. Nike, because her fathers favorite shoe and clothing brands, Houston, because that is the part of Texas in which the pair came together to make this young lady. The pair began raising what they forever call their "sweet little angel girl" and even gave her the honors of being an older sister to a brother whom they called Bentley Orlando. Bentley joined the family when Nike was three years old, and she absolutely loved her baby brother to the point where she constantly wanted to hold him and gave her parents heart attacks when their toddler was suddenly carrying their newborn by basically his neck because she knew no better and he was "heavy". The sweet days of Nike didn't last very long after, she was never hostile towards her parents or brother but she began to get very irritated with things in the home, stores, and her pre-k. It got to the point where her parents were getting calls daily to pick her up to do tantrums and crying fests she would cause, the pair decided after a few calls from the pre-k to take her to the doctor, which brought light to the situation after about a month of examination she was discovered to suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, otherwise known as OCD! Her parents did everything to be sure their daughter was happy with how the home looked and made the conscious decision together to pull her from school and begin home schooling her to avoid disturbances to their daughter. Once Nike turned seven and Bentley four, Ren and Adela announced what would be their last pregnancy, nine short months after Adela delivered twins! Twin boys at that, whom were named Canon Dayton and Diesel Dayton. Ike would definitely say the year she turned nine has by far been the hardest year she's lived through, in this year she was diagnosed to have epilepsy after a seizure she experienced while at the beach for her twin brothers birthday, and a short three weeks later she was diagnosed officially with Tourette's Syndrome which her parents already kinda knew she had as she had been ticking for almost a year prior to the diagnosis. Despite the difficult diagnosises Nike has to bear for the rest of her life she has had a pretty positive outlook on life and moved to live on her own in Miami, Florida.

Nike is possibly one of the most compassionate and adaptable women youll ever come to know! She's very social, intuitive, trustworthy, and focused; she's often complimented on how sweet of a human being she is, which she always gives credit to her...

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Nike is possibly one of the most compassionate and adaptable women youll ever come to know! She's very social, intuitive, trustworthy, and focused; she's often complimented on how sweet of a human being she is, which she always gives credit to her mother and father for the way they raised her and her three cubs as she calls her younger brothers. She can often be a very flirtatious girl, its just a part of who she is, often time she'll flirt with someone for a whole night out and not even realize that she had been flirting that entire time; she just loves to it so much that it became a hobby of hers. She means no harm with her flirtatious ways. She can often come off as a sarcastic and moody woman around people she's uncomfortable with. Or just in general depending on how shes feeling that day she can either be a bubbly sweet angel, or a sarcastic asshole. She acts accordingly. Actually, her flirtatious personality is one of the golden star traits that landed her the career of bartending every night for a bar called Dulce Downs. At DD's she is the head bartender, but on some lucky nights her manager allows her to take to the karaoke stage and express her love of music through either perfoming a song she wrote or that of another artist she adores. She hopes to make it one day in the music industry as an independent artist, as she much rather stick to her strong and independent woman way of being than conform to a record label. When Nike isn't working you can find her at home surrounded by her energy crystals meditating and or smoking some weed to help herself relax and supress her tics because for one reason or another it helps a lot.

 When Nike isn't working you can find her at home surrounded by her energy crystals meditating and or smoking some weed to help herself relax and supress her tics because for one reason or another it helps a lot

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Nike is very much single and loves to let it be known to the world that she is single and can do as she pleases with her body. She is in what some would call her "hoe phase" or her "fuck girl phase" but she doesn't believe in those degrading titles so she likes to call it her "having her fun point in life". She struggled for a long time with figuring out what she identifies as sexually due to religion she was surrounded by and hateful words from her peers. At nineteen she was finally able to come out comfortably and let it be known that she identifies as a bisexual young lady. She has no lean or preference, if youre good and cuddling, hot make out sessions, and sex she could care less what hides under the fabrics of your clothing. She has no children and has no desire to have any, any time soon. She is on birth control that she takes twice a day every twelve hours. She also takes her epilepsy and Tourette's medication at the same times that takes her birth control.

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She may not be looking for someone to cuff and lock down romantically for life, but Nike is definitely on the look out for some permanent let's fuck some shit up type of friendships.

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