Part 1: Prologue

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In the early evening of October 31st, 1981, Dumbledore received a message of sorts, two of them.

You see, almost a year earlier, he had received a prophecy from Sybill Trelawney that stated a boy was to be born at the end of July, a boy that had the capability to vanquish the dark lord permanently. Dumbledore knew of two such children, the Potter's son and the Longbottom's. Taking precautions, he put enchantments on both of the threatened houses to alert him if the parents of either boy were to die.

Tonight he received two alerts.

Dumbledore did what anyone in his situation would do and went to each house to investigate further.

Lily and James's house, a brick cottage in Godric's Hollow, was in disarray. Wallpaper was torn, furniture was disturbed, picture frames were scattered and broken and two corpses lay on the floor in front of a crying baby boy's crib.

Lowing his arms, Dumbledore carefully plucked the wailing baby from his bed, trying to comfort him as best he could. Upon lifting the boy however, he discovered something quite interesting, a note hastily written by Lily Potter.

Dear Dumbledore,

If you are seeing this it means the worst has come true and that James and I have been killed by death eaters. I know our sacrifice was worth it though, Harry James Potter will be great one day, just not here. If we truly are dead, I fear the war will only worsen with time. But Harry doesn't belong to this world, Harry is a squib. He can still be safe, still have a normal life. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, take this as my dying wish: return Harry to the muggle world and leave him none the wiser, don't tell him of us, of the wizarding world, of anything. Please.

With love,

-Lily Potter

Lily was wrong however. Dumbledore had visited the Longbottom's household before visiting the Potter's. He had discovered three dead bodies: Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom and Voldemort himself. Baby Neville was alive and well, bearing a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and a puffy face from crying but otherwise fine. Voldemort was dead. Dead for good.

A few days after the events of October 31st, the war was declared over. All the death eaters were slowly being found, even ones who had been undercover like Peter Pettigrew and Lucius Malfoy, and sent to live a life sentence in Azkaban. The Longbottom boy was given to his grandmother Augusta to grow up safe and sound. And Harry Potter, obeying Lily's last wishes, was sent to live with the only muggle relatives Dumbledore could find, a family called the Dursleys.

If he would have realized just what exactly he was dooming the boy to, Dumbledore would have never sent Harry to that blasted home.

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