Chapter 1: the beast inside

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I watched in pity as I found Reita passed out on the floor surrounded by empty bottles, needles and even some tiny bits of weed here and there. The white drool from his mouth already told me he had been doing drugs again. God knows when this will stop...

I sighed as I put a naked Reita in the bathtub, starting to clean him up. I was pretty sure he had a hangover, but I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Would he..? I'm sure he won't. He's a good guy, I know he is. Somewhere deep down inside him, there is still the good, sane, loving Reita. If only we could lock away his Mr. Hyde forever...
I washed Reita's body, almost like a mother washing her baby. I felt my eyes water and pulled Reita close, fighting the tears. I hummed 'Reila' for him. "This voice does not reach you. Reita." I sobbed softly, holding my baby tightly in my arms. The only thing that assured me that he was alive was the shivering and goose bumps of his body from the wind from the open window on his soaked naked skin.
Seeing my Reita in this state, so lost and confused, hurt me. He would come home either drunk, high or heavily influenced on drugs. He would yell at me and come begging to me three minutes later. In the mornings he would see his reflection in anything that reflected his face, and then he'd punch it, what would make his hands bleed. He used to be a bit of a softie, but he changed. No more gentle whispers. No more "my dear Ruki". No more cuddling. I had become the audience watching the tiger obey to the ring master. With every bottle Reita was forced to jump another burning ring, the rings only getting tighter around him. I stopped watching as the burns appeared.

"Uruha..." I decided to call Uruha after putting Reita to bed. "Ruki? What's the matter? Are you alright?" Uruha's concerned voice sounded. "I'm fine. happened again." "Oh shit. Dude, stay calm. I'll round up the rest, and we'll be at your place in about 30 minutes. Try to keep Reita away from any of the stuff." His last sentence made me break down in tears. "Alright...I'll keep him in his room." The connection broke and I wiped my cheeks as I closed Reita's door, locking it. I'm sorry,'s for your own good.

Sitting on the couch I stared at the Stacked Rubbish photo book. Though it was before Reita's breakdown, it hurt to even touch it. If his behavior kept up, it could mean the end of The GazettE. The doorbell rang, and it opened. I looked up to see Uruha, Kai and Aoi running to me. "What happened here? Did Reita turn this place into a nightclub or something?" Kai asked, stepping over bottles and almost slipping over a needle. "No, Kai. Reita's addictions got worse. I'm not sure how much worse it can get but this is too much." Aoi sat down on a chair, looked around and I felt Uruha grab my hand and rub my back. I forced a small smile at him and Aoi said: "I think it's time for a confrontation. If we all tell him and maybe even show him how bad it has become, then maybe he'll agree to go to rehab. Do we agree?" I nodded. "Yes," said Uruha. "I found cigarettes!" Kai said from behind the couch. Uruha turned to look at Kai and Kai held up a whole new pack of Marlboro Red. I looked at it. "Let me see that!" I said snatching the pack from his hand and examining it closely. "What is it?" Aoi asked. I turned pale, turning around and holding the pack up.

"Th...there is blood on this pack..."


~Reita's dream

I opened my heavy eyes slowly, greeted by a dark silhouette standing in front of me. The air around me felt hot and moist, yet stuck to my skin as if I was underwater. " I? This...this is not the same. Was everything before...but a dream? Why?" I thought as my heavy eyelids closed again.

"Reita?" A muffled voice behind me called me. I opened my eyes slowly, turning around to see Ruki standing outside in front of a window. He kept yelling things at me as he hit the glass with his fist. "Reita! Reita, come home! Wake up!" I stared at him and hugged the blanket I had around me tighter. "I don't want to go outside, Ruki. And home? I am are here with me...we have two beautiful kids running around.... And I'm sleepy. I'm gonna nap a bit." I closed my eyes, falling into a deep slumber.



I slept quietly on the couch. The others had left hours earlier. All of them had offered me to stay at their place but I refused them all. I preferred to be home, in case Reita woke up.

A sudden slam woke me up from my sleep. "Ruki! Open this goddamn door! Let me out!" I stood from the couch, slowly walking to Reita's door. "R-Rei..?" "Ruki! Open this door, and we'll forget the whole goddamn thing! It'll be like nothing ever happened!" I slowly slid down the wall, crying again. Then Reita's voice changed into more gentle, even somewhat pleading. "Ruki...I think I've hurt my head really bad. I'm dizzy. I need a doctor." I sobbed as I got up slowly. "I'm gonna go now. I'm gonna try and get you someone to help you. I'll take the car, and I'll bring back a doctor." His eerie chuckle sounded and I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Ruki..." "Yes?" "You've got a big surprise coming to you. You are not going anywhere. Go check out the car." He laughed and began slamming his hands on the door. "Go check it out!"

His words echoed in my head as I ran to the garage, finding the car's engine removed and taken apart. I froze and cried more.

Now what would I do...

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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