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How to overcome writer's block? I typed into the search engine of my computer as I bit my nails. Enhance your workspace, was the first advice provided on the screen. I looked around and removed the red nail polish from my desk into my leather purse. I noticed it was dark and silent - a different demeanor from what the office usually was, but I liked this better. It helped me focus. I checked the time: 11:11pm. Already? No wonder it seemed I was in the middle of a graveyard; everyone had gone home.

I took my belongings with me, turning my lamp off. There was only one dim light that flickered at the end of the hallway, and I walked towards it as I was on my way out, when suddenly it turned off, leaving me stranded in the lonely abyss of darkness. It must be the janitor.

I feel my way back to the light switch and flip it. The light flickered back on. I walked toward the exit door again but the light went out again as I was halfway there, and this time I heard the flip of the switch from behind me.

"Hello?" I called out, convinced someone was pranking me.

No answer. Just silence, and my blood thumping in my ears.

I walked back, switching the light back on, and walked as fast as I could towards the door under the light, but the hallway just seemed so much longer this time, and before I could have even reached my third step, the click happened again and I was enveloped in black.

"Is someone there?" I said, suddenly in fear.

I forced myself to the light switch one last time. This time I kept my eyes on the switch as I slowly walked backwards to the door. On my eleventh step backwards, I felt myself walk into someone. I gasped loudly and spun around but the light went out just before I could see anyone. My trembling hand reached out into the dark vastness before my eyes, expecting to feel someone standing there, but I was alone, luckily. Still quivering from fear, I decided not to use the light, and instead felt my way through the darkness.

As I was about to reach the door, a light from behind me, the opposite end of the hallway, flashed on. I froze for a moment, slowly turning my head. A silhouette stood before the light.

I ran.

Out the door.

Down the stairs.

Into the streets.

When I reached the sidewalk, I turned around to see if anyone could be seen from the window, but the entire building was dark. I began walking quickly towards the metro station, putting my earbuds in and hitting shuffle on my iPod. I sat in the train, holding my knees to my chest, while listening to a melancholic female 90s band, and lit a cigarette as I reached my apartment.

DARK PARADISE ━━ short storyWhere stories live. Discover now