4 | Cosmic Torture

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Here's the chapter you guys have been waiting for!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Lloyd's POV:

"Where am I?" I furiously asked, I couldn't see anything I was blindfolded but I knew I was chained up in a chair. "Relax, man." I heard somebody who I had never heard in my entire life. But I knew one thing about this voice.

It was a snake.

"What do you want with me?" Lloyd questioned the possible snake. "Master Amocleera has ordered us to kidnap you because she sees you as the main threat. She doesn't want you destroying her plan." my blindfold was yanked off and I could see that it was indeed a snake but, it didn't look like a normal snake it had an Ombre of purple to blue and lots of stars. He looked like a galaxy on scales. 

"My friends will find you and stop you!" I spat at the snake. Then out of the distance in the shadows there was a chuckle it was soft at first and then it got gradually louder until it turned into a cackle. Another snake came out, like the other snake it was an Ombre but instead, it was blue to green to black. I guessed that this was Amocleera.

The head snake.

"What's so funny?" I asked her with my brows furrowed. "What I find funny is that your friends aren't coming. You see." she said with a smirk on her face "And why is that every villain that kidnaps any one of us is always proved wrong." I said while I smiled.

"Because you are on a different planet."

"What," I said

"You are on the planet Virgo, home of the most logical, practical, and systematic people in the whole universe. One of those people being me of course," she said while she flipped her invisible hair instead her hand just hit one of the purple tassels that were on her gold crown.

"I'm on a different planet?! How did you even get me here?" I asked with fear. "Teleportation, duh." she rolled her eyes. "It's kind of obvious," she said. "Well if it was so obvious I wouldn't have asked," I said. "You get on my nerves. Aether, Astraeus make him feel pain," she said as she walked away with her arms crossed back into the shadows.

I heard chuckling coming from what seemed to be Aether and Astraeus, her henchmen.


"Stop it!" I screamed as blood came from a slice on my cheek

"We follow Amocleera only." Astraeus chuckled

"Aether! Astraeus! Take him to the dungeon and lock him up in 10 minutes. Put him in the cell next to our special prisoner." Amocleera said as she pounded her staff against the floor twice. 

"Yes, master." Aether and Astraeus said at the same time as they stood straight up. As Aspheera walked away they both punched me in my gut. I felt the air go out of my lungs and then come back. I was panting so hard until they both stopped and I had cuts and bruises all on my legs, arms, and face.

"Now we have to take him to the cell next to the Special Prisoner," Aether said

"Who's the special prisoner?" I asked them in a low heavy voice

"You will find out if they are strong enough to talk to you," Astraeus smirked. Suddenly I was knocked out cold.

Once I woke up I could see that my hands were chained up to the wall. There wasn't a way to see who was next to me and who this "Special Prisoner" was but all I knew is that this other prisoner was very important to them so I needed to bust both of us out. Instead of trying to get out I just fell asleep I was tired and hungry.


I fluttered my eyes open and stretched my chains ringing as they hit each other. I then heard a small weak and soft voice.



Who do you think is the special prisoner? 🤔

You shall find out next chapter

Sorry that this chapter was out later than my other ones, the other ones I was sick those days so I had more time to work on it but I had to go back to school today so. Anyways have a good day 😋


703 words

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