HT 4 Transformania

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Blooper 1

The 125th Anniversary party is taking place.

Johnny: Let's do it, Frank!

Frank comes out on a unicycle and juggling chainsaws

Frank: Isn't this great? Johnny taught me how to do it!

Suddenly, he misses the catch and the chainsaws fall on him, sawing off his body parts at the stitches so that he falls to the ground in pieces

Frank [offscreen head]: I'm okay!

Director: Cut!

Blooper 2

Dracula and Ericka are by the hotel's poolside

Ericka: Well, you are just all sorts of wonderful aren't you?

Drac: Well, it's not for nothing that they call me 'Count Wonderful'...

Ericka: Oh? Do they?

Drac: And also 'Dark Prince of Loviness'...

Ericka: Mmm-hmm...

Dracula: 'Lord of Smoochy Time'...

Suddenly, before they can liplock, a rumbling is heard and Tinkles, Poochystien, Pebbles, Diablo, Blobby-Pup, and Spike all converge on top of Drac barking and playing.

Drac: ACK! Tinkles, NO! I said 'Lord of Smoochy Time,' not 'Lord of Poochy Time'!

Blooper 3

Johnny and Van Helsing are inside of the hotel basement

Van Helsing: Behold! The Monsterfication Ray! It turns any human into a monster...

Johnny: Awesome! But is it safe, though?

Van Helsing: Great question! What we need, is a guinea pig...

Camera pans over to the cage where Gigi the guinea pig is inside of, but shows one of the wolf pups having opened it and now has a full mouth

Van Helsing: Gigi!

Wanda rushes in on screen to grab her pup.

Wanda: Waldo! You know better than to eat someone else's pet! Now spit out the guinea pig, or there's no bacon for you later on!

Waldo [muffled]: Aw, man...

He spits out Gigi, who is covered in drool and shaking

Director: Cut!

Blooper 4

Dracula and Johnny are traveling in the Amazon

Dracula: Johnny! We are getting nowhere!

Johnny: Don't worry, Drac, I got you covered!

Drac: Huh?

Suddenly, Johnny takes him and does a costume change.

Johnny: And the final touch...

He adds the backpack on Drac.

Johnny: There! Now you're ready for the great outdoors!

When the camera reveals Drac, he is shown to be wearing the Johnnystein outfit from the first movie. Laughs are heard offscreen and Drac looks down to see himself.

Drac: ACK! JOHNNY! Get me out of this, right now! I can't be seen like this!

Johnny: How do you think I felt when you did it to me?

Director: Cut!

Blooper 5

Ericka and Mavis are inside of Van Helsing's basement lab.

Mavis: We've got to find my dad and Ronnie, before it's too late!

Ericka: Got it. Wait... who's Ronnie?

Mavis: Oops, I meant Johnny! We have to find my dad and Johnny before... oh, I blew the line. We need a retake!

Director: Cut!

Blooper 6 - take one

The monsters are inside of the blimp

Mavis: I have an idea... but we're going to have to take this search to the ground!

Ericka: I have just the thing...

Next, the blimp opens up and the jeep filled with everyone drives out. A parachute opens for a brief moment before the wind blows it harshly offscreen with everyone screaming

Director: Cut!

Blooper 7 - take two

Director: Blimp jump take two (clapstick comes down on clapboard

The jeep drives out of the blimp with everyone in it and the parachute successfully opens for a minute. Suddenly, the ties break and it tumbles into the jungle ground with a crash land as everyone exclaims

Director: Cut!

Blooper 8

Dracula and the group are traveling into the cave on the jeep-turned-boat.

Dracula: Okay, okay, we GET it!

Everyone stares blankly at him for a moment.

Ericka: Uh... are you okay... honey...?

Drac: Am I okay? Well... I'm always okay when I'm with you

Cuddles up next to her as she giggles. The others groan.

Murray: Oh man

Griffin: Not this again

Wayne: We'll never get our scenes done if this loviness continues

Dracula and Ericka remain oblivious

Director: Cut!

Blooper 9

Mavis is inside the Crystal Cave looking for everyone. Drac approaches her from behind.

Dracula: Mavis!

Scared, Mavis punches him in the face, but it's too hard and he falls to the ground offscreen in pain

Mavis: Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry Dad! I didn't mean to punch that hard!

Dracula [wearily]: Oh, it's okay Mavy. Ughh... but I think I broke my nose

Mavis: Oh, no!

Director: Medic!

Blooper 10

Dracula is skating on Blobby to reach Johnny. He leaps from a ledge and flies through the air. Monster Johnny tries to catch him, but misses, and Drac falls all the way back down to the floor with a crash

Drac: OhhhOW!

Director: Oof, that's going to leave a mark

Monster Johnny: Sorry!

Director: Cut! Somebody call a medic...

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