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A child's birthday party. Colorful presents of many sizes, with wrapping paper of many patterns and various bows, piling on top of each other. Balloons and streamers decorate the small room. The smell of birthday cake, pizza, ice cream, candy, soda, hot dogs, chicken nuggets (in dinosaur shapes of course), and chips waft through the air. An old cartoon playing on a vintage TV. Party hats on the heads of children, with face paint and stickers adorning their faces. A brightly dresses clown juggling for happy squealing kids. Kids playing with marbles, play dough, and slime. Toy dinosaurs, each with their own little party hat and cupcake. The sound of new crayons and markers being scribbled onto paper. A man showing off reptiles as children cautiously watch in awe. A fresh new stack of comic books. Toy cars being raced across the floor.

A large observatory, the walls lined with books. Moths, owls, bats, crows and books flying around, with the sound of flapping wings and papers accompanied. A large telescope sits in the center. Twinkling of stars, the rush of meteors and comets. Flickering candles. Small white flowers. A feather quill feverishly scratching against paper. Berries in small bowls. The ticking of a pocket watch.A large bird cage with pillows inside. Teacups that now reside spiders and their webs. A long table with various bones atop it, with books on those bones next to them, and magnifying glasses to inspect them. There are also gem stones and glass eyes, all neatly arranged. Glass vials and jars filled with potions. Voodoo dolls all lined up. A miniature orrery model and a celestial globe sit on their own separate table. A never ending cough disrupts the mostly quiet.

A high end apartment, trashed. High heels sprawled all over the floor. Spilled red wine, nail polish, and blood decorate the white polar bear rug. A dagger in a cracked mirror. Bandages and needles lying about. Magazines cut out and stuck to the walls. Paintings of eyes. A long white fur coat draped over the couch. Smoke from cigarettes left in an anatomically accurate heart ash tray. Pieces of broken porcelain dolls. Statues of the virgin Mary. Taxidermy of made up creatures, made by mixing and matching toys and creatures. A sewing needle dripping with blood. A tiara filled with diamonds lay shattered on the floor. A vase of the stems of roses, the heads laying beside it. Vodka spilled on the counter. A mannequin with multiple arms holds up various masks and hats. Long black leather gloves. A necklace with a cross. Strands of brightly coloured hair everywhere. Lingerie thrown around the room. Shattered makeup pallets. Corsets in the smallest sizes possible. A cake with a butchers knife sticking out of it, red liquid dripping out. A slithering snake. Tapeworms in a jar and leeches in a tank. Ripped pillows with the feathers flying. Fun house mirrors on the walls, distorting reflections.

A sunny beach on a tropical island. A hammock tied to palm trees swaying. Flip Flops laying on the warm sand. A Volkswagon van parked on the beach. An empty fire pit. The crash of the ocean onto the shore. The strum of a ukulele. A coral reef, brimming with color and life. Egg shells from baby sea turtles in the sand. Sea glass, sand dollars, sea shells and other treasures. Washed up sea weed and kelp. The snores of a sleepy pig. Footprints in the sand. A light waft of marijuana. Not a care in the world.

A big city. It's night-time, it's always night-time. Giant neon signs advertising fortune tellers, casinos. Stray cats roam the streets. It smells of smoke and alcohol. Prostitutes yell out their wages. Sirens blare as police try to hunt down criminals, why even bother. Fights break out in the middle of the street. Addicts shooting up heroin. Gunshots and the sound of breaking glass as another store gets robbed. Graffiti covers everything. Musicians play on the street. Gold chains swing around necks. It's so loud that it's deafening.

A cottage. A pie cools on the open window with lace curtains. A large garden filled with flowers, bushes, fruits, vegetables, and trees surround the home. A cobblestone path connects the cottage to the street, with a pink 50's Cadillac waiting nearby. The sun is shining and birds are happily chirping. It's straight out of a fairytale. A porch swing and a picnic table are in the front yard. The picnic table decorated with an embroidered tablecloth. On top of it are all sorts of treats. Cakes, cookies, pies, muffins, jams and fruits. Tea in a large teapot, with matching cups. A clothesline hangs between trees, drying dresses in the wind. There's a well behind the house. Mice happily snack, inviting their friends. An old radio chimes out love songs. A straw hat with a ribbon swings with ducklings on the porch swing. A wooden basket with sewing and quilting supplies sits next to them. Lambs bleat and spring about. Rabbits sneakily steal from the garden.

A university library. The long windows beckon in sunlight in the early morning, the sunbeams reaching across the room. The fluffy orange campus cat happily naps on the windowsill. The smell of coffee, tea, and pastries float throughout the room. Typewriters and computer keys click. Pens, pencils, and quills scribble. A large piano sits in the back, mostly for show. Though at times students will play for the others. The shelves are long and tall. Fingers drum against desks and pages turn. Sunflowers sit in a vase on a table. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. Busts of statues sit watching them diligently work. Stacks of books on each desk.

A forest just after it rained at night. Dewdrops hang on every leaf and spider web. Mud squishes under boots. Music from the 80's comes out a cassette tape. Static is heard through a walkie talkie. The scurry of creatures. Footprints that look neither human nor animal. Mushrooms popping up wherever possible, only to be quickly but carefully snatched up. The ribbit of toads and frogs. The jingle of pins on a backpack and jacket. Snails and slugs slowly crawling along. Fungi, animals, and bugs eating away at carcasses. A beautiful cycle of life and death. A Canon camera recording it all. Worms peek out of the mud. Moths bite holes into clothing. The moonlight is filtered through the tops of trees covered with moss. Algae atop of pools of water filled with tadpoles. A fog sets in, concealing all those who do not wish to be seen. Fireflies brighten. Plants are picked up to be used in future meals. And so is any trash, so that it is left better than it was found.

A white castle, in the middle of an icy ocean. Long white columns. Light, white curtains flowing in the biting wind. A full moon in daylight, a blue sky dotted with clouds. Many white, but some dark with rain. Bubbles in the water and in the air. The soft strumming of a harp and lyre accompanied with sad melodious humming. Tears dropping and mixing with the marble floor already carpeted with water. Dripping hair and clothes sticking to wet skin. A pool in the center, flowers floating atop. Iridescent light shines through the glass ceiling, where a chandelier hangs diamonds and icicles. Greek statues sit and weep. Inviting steps to welcome nobody circle the castle. A dream like haze. A crown of sea shells and pearls. A conch shell to listen in on the secrets of the ocean.

A store in a mall, filled with everything a young girl could want. Frilly dresses hang from racks. Head bands, hats, tiaras, flower crowns and cat ears on a rack. A wall of nail polish. Hair ribbons and beads in large bins. Earrings hanging on a rack. Shiny makeup in shapes of hearts. A place to get your ears pierced. Backpacks, notebooks, and cute stationary. Little stuffed animals.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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