Part 1 (Prologue) - Break Out

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(Pic of Rola and May)

"We now interuppt this channel to broadcast a safety issue. There has been a break in security at the A asylum. Stay indoors and out of the streets if you live near the Anhoven Asylum. I repeat, stay indoors and out of the streets"

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, HOLY SHIT! I live the closest to that asylum than anybody else! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Okay calm your tits May! Lock up the house!

I ran to my front door to see it was open a little bit.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! DAMN IT! I'M GONNA DIE! Okay May, calm down. Maybe it wasn't someone from the asylum. Okay, maybe it is, but still, it might not be. I'll get my metal staff, just in case (that's right, I gotta bow staff!)

I walk over to the place I keep my staff and I pick it up. Then I walk slowly to my dining room to see nothing but Rola, my English Springer Spaniel weiner dog, she was still a puppy. He opened one eye to see who it was, seeing it was me she started wagging her tail playfully. Then after a bit she jerked her head to the side, then up to the roof and barked loudly. She bawled again and again, her ears much better than mine. She stopped and looked around franticly, trying to listen carefully. I grabbed her by the collar and pulled him to the door.

"Find" I ordered. She sniffed the door and he sniffed the ground. I looked at him. Her breed of dog is a hunting dog so it helped. She was following the trail of scent that the intruder left. Apperantly it led to my study room. I opened the door and it creaked. Rola sniffed more and we ended up at my bedroom door, which was wide open.

"I-I closed that..." I said. Roo barked again, and again, and again. She charged into the room bawling.

"ROLA!" I called and charged in after her and I saw the dark outline of a person and my dog before me.

(So I had the feeling this would be a good cliffhanger to stop at. The other chapters I hope will be much longer. Thank you so much for reading my story! I really hope you like it! XD XD XD)

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