The Tale of a Monday

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5.59 AM

Anand was still asleep. The only state where no one hounded him to work harder, play better or become a "well-rounded adult". He still had one minute to go before his alarm clock would blare in his ears and he would have to start his morning study session. One hour of Mathematics would then lead him to a practice session of Tennis and then finally 8 hours of school. One minute until his crazy routine started that wouldn't let him think about anything else. He was only 15 and his whole world seemed to be mapped out for him. He still didn't know if he wanted to become an Engineer and work in a big company. He enjoyed Tennis but wasn't sure if he wanted to go abroad on a Tennis scholarship. There was only one thing he was sure about. Sketching. He loved to draw as a child just like all other children did. Sadly, his parents thought it was still a child's hobby. They had allowed him to draw until the age of 14 but this was an important year. They believed he couldn't afford to draw when there were so many more important things at stake. This year was the first milestone that would make his CV begin to look impeccable.

His minute of peace was over. After hurtling through his usual Monday morning routine, he realized how his weekends seemed to be more strenuous than the weekdays. His parents expected him to cover more ground in his academic as well as extra-curricular activities. He shuddered as he recollected the crazy History revision session he had had on an otherwise sunny Saturday. He longed to stride out into their backyard and sprawl on the green lawn and sketch their neighbour Mrs.Nene, walking her dog.

But Anand was feeling particularly happy today. It was Monday. He'd secretly enrolled himself into the Monday Blues Art Workshop. His parents would be appalled at this supposed "grand waste of time and productive mental faculties." That was their favourite phrase for anything they didn't deem worthy. But he didn't care. One hour every Monday dedicated solely to sketching was what he needed to escape from the other 168 hours of high pressure.

The school called various Art Professors and well-known artists to conduct Art workshops for the students and teach them to learn different forms of art. He was really excited about this Monday. It was charcoal sketching. He had never used charcoal but really wanted to learn the nuances of the art. He smiled as he walked into the Science lab. Monday had finally arrived.

8 AM

Roshni rubbed her eyes and glared at her clock. She walked grumpily up to the mirror and looked at her reflection. Her hair was in complete disarray and her eyes looked puffy. She said "ugh!" Then she picked up her cell phone from the dresser and it said the dreaded word.


"Double ugh!" She couldn't believe it was that day again. The same thoughts rushed to her mind as that of any average 27 year old's. Another 5 days of office before the next weekend! Along with these thoughts, a popular song which depicted her hatred towards Monday was playing in her head. She was about to head toward the bathroom when her phone started pinging continuously announcing the arrival of several mails in her inbox. She peered at the work piling up already. Monday had obviously reared its ugly head.


Roshni walked into her office building and heard the lift doors open. She pressed the button to her floor and impatiently tapped her foot while the door closed. Just then someone slid a hand between the doors and stopped it from closing. Roshni looked up just in time to look into Sameer's eyes. Her brain froze and all coherent thoughts left just as they did whenever she saw him.  She had been wanting to start a conversation with him ever since he joined her company 2 months back. Instead,

Sameer said "Hi!"

Roshni muttered "Oh um Hi!"

"How are you?"

Roshni self-consciously tucked a lock of hair behind her hair and said "Good. You?"

He smiled at her and nodded to acknowledge his well-being. The he turned toward her and said animatedly "Hey thanks for showing me that website last week!"

She grinned and replied "You're welcome. I'm glad my Monday Morning Reading helped someone."

The lift had reached their floor. He patted her shoulder in a friendly gesture and said "It sure did. I love that habit of yours. I've seen you reading at lunch break too."

He gave her a quick thumbs-up as the lift door opened and walked to his cubicle. She floated toward her cubicle with her shoulder feeling particularly tingly. Sameer had spoken to her the second time in 2 weeks. In fact, he seemed to speak every Monday. She had begun to feel that Monday wasn't so bad after all.

11 AM

Sudha sipped her second cup of coffee and read the newspaper. She looked up to see her husband tending to their precious garden that they both had painstakingly worked at.

"You know the only thing I don't like about Mondays is that I don't get the extra supplements along with the daily newspaper with the creative stories to read about."

Ashok looked up from the rosebush which had flowered beautiful pink blooms. He shook his head in amusement. He loved his wife's unusual zest for knowing more and more about the world every day. She wanted to build her knowledge and form her take on the subject.

Sudha laid her cup and newspaper down and walked up to the open glass doors that overlooked their garden and smiled at him.

"Do you want some coffee?"

He glanced at her quickly and said, "I'll be with you in just a minute." 

She walked out into the garden and waved at her friend Meena.

"Meena, isn't it a lovely day?"

Meena laughed at Sudha's chirpiness. She was amazed at the way her 60 year old neighbour loved Mondays. Sudha had once told her that she found it incredibly amusing to be so different from the Monday hating world. She enjoyed the beginning of a new week and would always try to start all her endeavours on a Monday.

"Are you going out today Sudha?"

"Oh yes. But I shall be back in time to accompany you for your daughter-in-law's jewellery shopping."

"Ha ha! Yes. Don't forget! 6.30 sharp."

Sudha smiled "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

6.30 PM

Sudha was looking at the latest jewellery designs with Meena when her phone rang loudly. She dug into her bag and pulled out the phone and answered it.

"Hi beta!"

"Hey Ma! How was it?"

"It was a lovely experience, son! You should have heard the ideas some of the kids had. Such enthusiasm to learn. It was very refreshing to see the world from their eyes. There's this one student in particular that shows great potential. He is very talented I must say. Anand I think his name is. Very bright child."

Her son laughed into the phone "I knew you would love it! A perfect job for an Art Professor like you Ma!"

Sudha replied, "You must thank your colleague again for showing you that workshop opening at that school Sameer. What's her name again?"

"Roshni ma. I did thank her today. She's very sweet. I like her."

Sudha smiled and whooped "Oho! I wonder what you can talk to her about next Monday."

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