Chapter 1

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Wilda's POV

"Please" Rowan desperately begged.

"No, you know I don't like doing that, plus it's Friday and I can't bail on Lawrence" I replied.

"Pretty please Wilda! I'll name my first born after you or better yet I'll sacrifice them in your honor! Just do me this solid" Rowan replied in her usually dramatic tone. She even added puppy eyes in an attempt to weaken my resolve.

" First off you know puppy eyes don't work on me right ? Second, why would I want your first born named after me or for them to be sacrificed in my honor? That's pretty morbid, don't you think ?" I said with an unamused expression.

" If you want me to switch shifts with you so bad you'll have to ask lawarance yourself if it's okay for us to reschedule our plans you know how anal he can be about these things" I said exhausted , as I wipe down the last table in the cafe so I can get ready to clock out.

Just as I walk towards the entrance for the employees only area I hear the cafe door chime and see none other than the man himself.

"Speak of the devil and he shall arrive." I muttered then turned to Lawrence " I'm going to get my stuff real quick, give me a couple minutes then I'm good to go." Walking to my locker, I change out of my plain non-slip shoes and lace up my doc martens. Once done I take my unruly curls out of the somewhat messy bun, give my head a good shake and grab my jean jacket.

"Come on Lawrence! I just got concert tickets, can't you let Wilda cover for me this Saturday?" Rowan whined to her cousin.

Quickly I punch out and walk over towards the only people that I'm now regretting calling my friends. As I reach over to them, Lawrence automatically puts his arm around my shoulder, it's practically become second nature for him to do this. I've never been an affectionate person and I certainly don't like people touching me but it's different with Lawrence, it has always been like this.

I could never understand the reason why I'm like this around him. Lawrence and I met at the tender age of 6 after my Mother and I moved following the painful divorce to my Father last summer. Me being a quiet and antisocial child it took a while before I started getting along and spending time with Lawrence but him being the outgoing type it honestly didn't take long for me to consider him as my friend, my best friend.

We spent our whole childhood together. I was there when he first discovered his love for music, when he brought his first guitar, I was there when he cracked voice turned husky and low pitched, I was even there when he had his first kiss, which was a complete accident by the way, I wish he warned me he'd have company that day.

He was always there for me. He taught me how to ride a skateboard and patched my bloody knees and elbows every time I fell. He was the one who wiped my tears away when my cat, Zelda died. He was the only person who made me laugh to the point I couldn't breathe. When I badly sprained my ankle, he was the one who carried me upstairs to my bed and brought a large tub of my favorite ice cream. No matter the event or what time I called him, in seconds he'd pick up.

Looking back there's never been an eventful moment in my life since I met him that he wasn't around. I don't remember when it happened but before I could even stop it Lawrence Weston became an eternal and irreplaceable person in my life.

" Ro, as much as I love you, Wilda and I already have plans today so no can do, try asking your mom if you can leave earlier or work half of your shift, what time is the concert anyway?" Lawrence begrudgingly responded while twirling a stand of my curly locs, something he's been doing for years.

I tilt my head to look at him, taking time to admire his features; He was perfection, thick black hair that made me just want to run my hands through for hours, arched eyebrows that somehow enhanced his hooded emerald eyes. Golden skin that glowed under the natural light that seeped into the cafe. Delicate angular cheekbones and a square jaw. With a flawless roman nose and soft, full lips that he constantly runs his tongue over. As if he could feel my eyes on him, he shifted his vision to me and offering his usual bright smile, showing his flawless teeth, courtesy of the three years of braces he had to sport throughout middle school.

" The concert is starts at 8:30 pm and my shift is from 1-7:30 pm, that doesn't give me enough time to get ready and make it to the concert on time, come on you're acting like you can't see Wilda another day or time, she's your neighbor for fuck sakes!" Rowan huffed out.

With a sigh Lawrence turned to me and leaned down to my ear, softly whispering, " It's up to you Val, but I'd rather not change our plans, it's been a while since we had our usual movie night and I could recharge my Wilda battery." Moving a few inches back, he looked in my eyes waiting for my response.

I looked at him, then turned to Rowan, "Tom owes me a favor so I'll text him and see if he's cool with covering your shift for you." I mutter, to which she tackled me and tightly wrapped her arms around me while repeatedly thanked me for what felt like a thousand times.

" Rowan, I can't breathe." I wheezed out. She quickly apologized as she let go. With his arm still around my shoulder, Lawrence and I made our way to his Jeep, he held the door open for me as I hoped into the passenger seat. As he slid into the driver's seat, he bucked his ear belt, making sure I did the same, then turned the car on and put his favorite playlist on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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