My Mission?

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"Hello? Miss, Can you hear me?"


[Opens eyes]

"You're awake! Oh dearie, you look a total mess! Can you try to sit up?"

[Helps up]

"Who is this lady? Why does she feel familiar?..."

[Looks at nametag]


[Loses conciousness]

The woman named 'Kenta' took her to the nearest hospital and got her treatment. She was confused about what action she should take next. She has no idea who the girl is and she doesn't have any identification on her. She just waits at the bedside until the girl wakes up. It took her only a day to regain consciousness. She wakes up to see someone standing near the window. Puzzled, she tries to open her mouth and start talking.

"Ē to... {Uh...}"

(Wha-? Why am I speaking Japanese?!?!)

√Anime & Manga otaku

"Kibun ga yokku natta? {Feeling better?}

[Looks at her]

"What am I doing here?"

(The words... Just came out of my mouth? Well, at least I can understand her.)

"I found you unconscious in the parking lot. What's your name?"

"Oritsu Amara."

(Wait, that's not my name.)


(My... Head...)


"Oritsu?! Nurse! Nurse!"

Amara Oritsu, the host for Amalia, a soul that is currently inhabiting her. The original owner was actually killed. So, Amalia was given a task in this world: to find Amara's killer. Though, she has no idea of the responsibility that she has to shoulder... Until!

"The weather report is wrong again. It said that it was supposed to be bright and sunny today... But instead it's the exact OPPOSITE!!!"

[Pedestrian light turns green]

"Gotta go!"

[Bag accidentally unzips]

"GAH! Ugh! Why?!"

[Picks up belongings]


*Honk! Honk!



"AAAAHHHH!!! A girl got hit by that truck!"

"Someone! Someone call an ambulance!"

Suddenly, everything started to shatter and Amalia was left all alone in darkness. After wandering for awhile, she saw a figure in a distance. The figure turned around and smiled at Amalia. She was a girl around the same age as Amalia. The girl walked towards Amalia casually, and started to talk.

"Why hello there, Amalia."

"Who are you? What is this place? Why-"

"Tut, tut, tut. Hold up, I know every question that you're about to ask me."

1. I am Oritsu Amara and we are currently in a tiny corner of my mind.

2. What you saw earlier, was actually a few minutes before you died.

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