. . . 💌🥂🪐

173 4 24

365 days.

that's how long i've been able to call you a friend. not just some friend, but a special one. one who is a significant part of my life and that definitely wasn't something i was anticipating back then.

from the first time we met, i never had the faintest idea you'd be dear to my heart. i wasn't really the most sociable person so i had a hard time connecting with people emotionally. i didn't talk much to anybody that time, never had a close friend either. i was basically just there to read and post the thoughts i had on my board. but then one day, you just popped out of thin air and decided to befriend me.

it all started with a small talk, pretty cliché. i took you for someone who's just chummy with everyone and not someone who would fuck with the things i do. righteous, if you will.

with that, i didn't expect much of it. i thought we'd end up not speaking to each other again after a few conversations like every encounter i had with others.

but something questionable happened and that became the foundation of our friendship.

then, as we get more and more comfortable with one another, the masks we have worn without even being aware of it slowly unveiled themselves and that's where our friendship began to blossom. turned out, we're not so different—you and i.

despite the different sets of interests we have, we feel connected in the most special way. we understand one another deeply. and generally, we just have the same vibes. it's probably because we sort of share a similar frequency of brainwaves. or something. fuck, i dont know. i cant put this into words.

but one thing is that,

when im with you, i dont have to fake a personality and go through all that trouble because ours already complement each other very well. i dont have to go to google to search for empathetic responses to things and shit. because i didn't even need to, i just have genuine feelings when it comes to you in general so words come out of my mouth naturally.

it's crazy how you still found a way to my heart even though i was emotionally detached. that's just really cool. it's like you have some sick kind of talent.

you listen to all the shit i have to say with no judgement and even if i dont talk about the things i go through, just your presence is enough to help me cope. spending time with you makes me forget about shit i go through. like some sort of escape from reality.

and you know, i find solace in it. and in you.

2021 was a really dark time if i think about it. i really cant explain. it was a year of tragedy for me but somehow, because you were apart of it, it was bearable and less traumatic. when i think of 2021, i dont even think about the bad ones at first. i think of the good times i spent with you as those are the first ones to pop up in my head. it's like they outweigh the depressing things. i'd always sleep late and then the first thing i would do when i wake up is to check a notification from you. fucking hell. we did a lot of things in that span of time. we schemed stuffs in the most genius way we could. and did a lot of shit that could get us a place in the FBI. you were the best partner in crime i could ever ask for. we get a long so much and i don't think we've ever gotten into a fight. not a single one. together combined, we are like a chord of musical notes that would make the most pleasant sound one could ever hear. we always do stuffs in harmony.

even just looking back to it gives me an overwhelming type of joy.

and what really got into me is that, you've met me at my lowest. you've seen me at my worst when no one else did. i think that explains how just so comfortable i am in expressing my true self and how i can let my guards down anytime around you without ever having to worry. that's just something i could never trade for anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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