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"G'night, Liam."

"Wait, we're done already?"

"Yeah, It's 6:30."

"Oh dang."

I walked out of my work-place, and to my parking spot where my car sat. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door, hopping in afterwards. I inserted my key into the ignition and turn it 3 times. I put on my seatbelt and start driving. It's a little quiet, and hard to focus without music, so I turn on the radio, to see what's playing.
All Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa. I groan, "I should've brought my damn aux."

I arrived to my apartment around 20/30 minutes later, I never really noticed how far my workplace was from my complex. I take out my phone and send Liam a message, he's really fun to talk to most of time, a really fast replier, something endearing honestly.
"Yo, what's up Liam?"

I know it'll take him a while to respond around this time, he bikes home after all, I sure wonder how he does that almost everyday, very impressive. I would've passed out halfway on the San Francisco bridge if I attempted that. I'm 6 feet but still very unathletic.

I went ahead and made myself some dinner, showered and headed to bed shortly afterwards, preparing for my dreadful day of work tomorrow. Liam is the only reason I look even look forward to going to work. I can feel my face heating up at the thought of him, how we'd talk a lot on break and his mannerisms, he's honestly kinda awkward, it's adorable. I really love that backpack.


I woke up, alarm clock blaring right in my ears, the red numbers read, "9:21 A.M" I still have about an hour or so to get to work.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes and groggily stepped out of bed. I stretched and scratched my back, looking around and slowly blinking, acting like I don't know what to do. I really wanna go back to bed, I hate this job and waking up around this time.

I slowly stepped towards my kitchen, opened the cupboards and took out a bowl and a box of cereal (Fruity pebbles.)
I opened the fridge, I take out the milk and read it's expiration date. This shit expired last week. "That's disgusting, Jesus. How did I let it sit there for so long."
I pour the remaining, chunky, foul smelling substance that is milk into the sink and wash it down the drain with the facet, then I throw the contaminated carton away.

I mumble frustratedly. I guess I'll have to pick up some breakfast on my way to work, maybe some Waffle House. I sigh and make my way to my dresser and put on my work clothes, don't really understand why we need uniforms when all we do is sit in a building on computers for like 7 hours.

I take my phone off of the charger, eager to see if my friend has replied. Nothing, not even read. My heart sinks, I don't know why I'm so worried. He's probably fine, maybe busy? He probably just passed out after he got to his house after biking for so long, he must've been too exhausted to check his phone! I'm overreacting, he's fine, i'll see him at work and ask him about it. I breathe in deeply and breathe out, trying to compose myself. I feel idiotic for being this stressed over him not replying to me, sure he's a fast replier but there's gotta be times he's not in the mood to talk. I really hope he isn't hurt or if I upset him in anyway.

I drive to work after getting ready, Liam still on my mind. I'm so stupid, he didn't read one text, ONE text and i'm over here losing my absolute shit! I try not to let my anxiety stims take over, especially while in the car, because I would probably swerve diagonally and horizontally off the road at the same time. I decide to just play music to ease my mind. I finally brought my aux cord. I hum along to the tune that's playing from my phone, my fingers rhythmically tapping on the steering wheel to the beat.

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