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"Your majesty the emperor's health has deteriated. His majesty the King has asked for the presence of all the children of the harem."

"Thank you Gina, I will be on my way in a moments time. Please inform my mother of where I will be."

"Of course Princess." Gina says as she turns to walk out of my courters.

"...Haaa, has my father gone crazy."

Even Richard would know what this means, he is on his deathbed and is only now deciding who will succeed the throne, my, my father has really come to terms with his impending doom, the one thing he cannot fight

... death

I was certain that my sisters and brothers would have to fight for the throne as soon as father died. I guess I was wrong...they will start the fight to the succession of the throne whilst father is still alive.

I must get going then I wouldn't want to let Daniel and Danielle get to start a fight without me.

As I walk to my father's bedroom I already hear Marielle trying to calm the siblings mother, Dalorus, I am would guess she got her childrens names from hers as the D's are quite occurent.

I knock twice to let them know I am about to enter, not that they'd care as most of our mothers would rush to father in order to make their children the new emporor or empress.

"Vada have you seen Richard." Nathaniel asks quite to quickly as soon as I enter.

"Richard you would know he's in the Evergreen tower of course I would have seen him, right through my bedroom window every single morning reminding me that I should not become as evil as my siblings have become." I quietly answer back.

"You never seem to disappoint Vada.''

"Neither do you Richard." I answer back just to be rudely interrupted by his sister, Evangeline

"Vada do you not have any conscious, you are standing behind his sister and still you do not speak pleasently about my brother, how dicpicable."

"Sorry Evangeline I don't remember him being your brother alone,isn't he also my brother." I answer ever so innocently.

"Children of the harem. As you see I am not well and will be entering world of our ancestors soon and I have yet to decide an heir to the throne."


"Now only the children in this room will be given a chance to ascend the throne until every single one of you is dead. Is that clear?"

"Now that means we will be excluding William."

"Children I did not expect to die so early in my life so I haven't ever thought of a successor."

"And as all of you aren't wed I have decided since all of you are capable in your own ways. The first to be wed will succeed the throne but my condition is that the person who you are to be wed to must be of royalty or part of the church meaning no commoners will be accepted and if any of you end up marrying one you cannot accend the throne until all of your siblings are deceased or unelegable for the throne."

"Understood *cough* *cough*?"

As different variations of yes father or Imperial husband were sounded throughout the room I thought about the most eligible person for me to marry...

"Richard do you want the throne?"

"Every much my dear sister do you?"

"Yes of course Richard more than you would ever know."


So guys hi this is my first story please don't be harsh. I plan to update at least every month

Also any constructive criticism would be amazing and also if you have any suggestions please message me on them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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