6 | Plans

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A/N: Ok so I was looking back to my story plan out and I found out that they weren't actually supposed to escape the prison in the last chapter but I decided to keep it so I'll just like improvise this chapter now :) 

(So basically now Chapter 7 will be like part 2 of this chapter)

Harumi's POV:

That hug we had was what we both needed, to be honest. I think it made Lloyd trust me just a little bit more but still not enough that he could open up to me and we could be friends. I still needed to work on that but I'm getting better. Plus he started using my nickname again, I think that's a win for me.

"Rumi, do you know how to get off this planet?" Lloyd asked me while he was looking in the streets from the side of the building. "Not really, just because I've spent the last 4 years doesn't mean I know anything about this place. I was stuck in a prison cell,". 

"Uh, who are you guys?" Lloyd and I both turned around and saw a Lady with her midnight black hair in pigtails but they looked more like little buns. She was wearing a black Gatsby Hat that had goggles on it. She had beige overalls that were covered in oil and soot she had a brown shirt underneath her shoes looked like they were supposed to be white but they looked more grey. 

"I'm Harumi and this is Lloyd," I said as a pointed back to Lloyd, I was excited that there was another person now. It was kind of embarrassing and awkward with Lloyd ever since what I did to the ninja. 

But I also still liked him.

"Oh nice to meet ya! My name's Vinyella,". She said and she wiped her hand on her overalls and held out her hand. I went to shake it and smiled at her. "If you don't mind me asking, why are your overalls so dirty?" Lloyd asked Vinyella. "Oh simple, I'm an engineer!" she said as she put her hands on her hips and smiled at both of us.

"An engineer huh?" I said while putting my hand on my chin. "Yup! I like to make a bunch of different things like cars, airplanes, bikes, coffee machines, motorcycles." She kept on going on and on and on about all the different things she likes to make but then Lloyd paused her and asked "Do you know how to make rockets?". "Rockets huh?" She said while tapping her finger on her chin and tapping her foot against the ground.

"I think If I made an airplane I can make a rocket, but why do you ask?" she said to us. "We're trying to get out of here and back to our planet," Lloyd said to Vinyella. "What planet are we even on?" I asked Vinyella. 

"I think Amocleera told me that we're on planet Virgo, is that right?" Lloyd said to me put then turned to Vinyella. "You would be correct! Everybody that lives on this planet is a Virgo. Including me of course my birthday is September 8th." she said proudly.


Just so you know here's a list of the birthdays that I have for the Ninja and such plus other characters 😊 (BTW I just used a random date generator for their birthdays because I was too lazy to actually find it out hehehe)

Lloyd: September 9 - Virgo (His birthday is right after Vinyella's :o I just noticed that) ♍︎

Harumi: November 10 - Scorpio ♏︎

Kai: July 24 - Leo (Makes sense) ♌︎

Skylor: January 18 - Capricorn ♑︎

Jay: May 23 - Gemini ♊︎

Nya: February 10 - Aquarius ♒︎

Cole: April 5 - Aries ♈︎

Seliel: May 2 - Taurus ♉︎

Zane: January 2 - Capricorn ♑︎

Pixal: December 13 - Sagittarius ♐︎

Amocleera: September 21 - Virgo ♍︎

Aether: June 30 - Cancer ♋︎

Astraeus:  October 3 - Libra ♎︎

Vinyella: September 8 - Virgo ♍︎

Emeliania (She will be important later on): March 7 - Pisces ♓︎

There you go :) now back to the story

"Wait your birthday's September 8?" Lloyd asked her. "Yea, what about it?" Vinyella told Lloyd with her arms crossed, "My Birthday's September 9!" Lloyd said while pointing to himself. "Are you kidding me!! I've never met somebody that has a birthday close to mine, even though the birthdays here are only August 23 - September 22 birthdays." She said. 

"What about you Rumi? I never found out about your birthday,". Lloyd said to me while he turned around. "Oh, me? My birthday's November 10," I said to him. "Can we get back to the reason why we haven't walked away yet or are you guys going to keep talking about how your guys' birthdays are just 1 day apart," I said while I crossed my arms and put a stern look on my face.

"Right, rockets," Vinyella said as she laughed a little. "I think we can make it work. But we need to make a blueprint and find the parts. Fortunately, The planet Virgo has a junkyard," Vinyella smiled at us.

"Well let's get building then." I said as a popped my knuckles.


Here's the chapter I was supposed to make yesterday but I didn't have time to because of schoolwork. Chapter 7 will be a part 2 of this and I will immediately start working on it after I publish this. Hope you guys liked it!!


897 words

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