May 16, 2013

65 7 0

Dear, diary

Ugh this is lame. why am I even writing in this thing. I mean I got it from my mom about a month ago and I don't even know why I'm writing in here.

Anyway, my name is Kalani, Not KAah-LAN-ey , its KUHLANI. that's how it's pronounced. I'm a 15 year old freshman and I seriously have no friends.

I fucking hate life.

Sometimes I cut myself to see if it will help me and it actually does.

I guess I'm bisexual, well not exactly. i honestly don't know. a girl kissed me and I might of liked it but then I'm in love with a boy. But I guess because of that girl who kissed me incident I have no friends. I guess that's why my mom bought this for me. because her daughter has no friends.

You can say I'm a total girly girl. I have a annoying brother that is overprotective his name is cam. he is 17 going on to 18 soon. yep he's a senior.

And I have a super crazy crush on this guy named Hayes. OH MY GOD he is breath taking but the thing is that he is 19.5 I might not have a chance but you never no that's only about 5 years older than me. That's not to bad.

He never talks to me though. I always see him walking around and swimming at the beach. he is soooo hot but when he takes off his shirt. OH LORD your skin freaking melts off.

And I heard he throws the most amazing party's that I of course have never been to. I have actually never been to a party that was for crazy highschoolers. that's to show you I have no friends.

My life really sucks. well I have to go now. Cam is nagging about me being late for school.Ill write in you later I guess.

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