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"I don't know TD" Sonic said as he peeked through a a dead trees decaying leaves. "She's just such..." "Such a what? A better killer? Well, duh, EXE! That's why ya' like her!" Tails Doll exclaimed. Sonic EXE covered Tails Dolls mouth and shoved him out the tree. He landed in a thorn bush. If he wasn't a stuffed demon he would be dead or seriously hurt. "Your a terrible being Sonic." Tails Doll hissed as he realized he had a thorn threw his arm. Sonic smirked and continued to look at the demon of his dreams. "Amy..." He whispered her name. It rolled off his tongue so easily. It gave him shivers, and he liked that. He was never scared or nervous. He would gladly go on a murder spree with his friends. Or go and scare people, no questions asked. But she scared him. The feeling she gave him caused him to want the feeling more. It was like a drug he could never get over.
He spent so much time with her over the past 100 years. But, he was so shy and awkward around her. He would bite his lip, causing it to bleed because of his razor sharp teeth. She would giggle and he would trip to the burning ground, causing his face to get a slight burn. It didn't hurt, but it was so embarrassing.
Tails Doll flew back up to Sonic after he stitched himself back up. "Just go talk to her. You could ask her to help you haunt dreams tonight!" He smiled and nudged Sonic EXEs arm. "Do you want me to rip your head off?" Sonic growled and picked up Tails Doll by the antenna. "I dare you" he smirked. Sonic EXE growled and threw Tails Doll back to the ground. "Leave me alone why don't ya'? I'd like to stalk my prey alone." He hissed unhappily. Tails Doll sighed and flew away.

Amy EXE was smelling a dead flower in a dark and gloomy meadow. She sighed as a thorn pricked her finger. It quickly healed and she stood up. She walked around in the meadow until she came to her cabin. In her previous life (that she doesn't remember). She died in there. Her house was fancy on the inside. Red rugs, red couches, red curtains, everything was either red, gold, or dark brown wood. She would invite her friends here every once in awhile. She spent most of the time alone though.
Except when Sonic or Doll would come over. Amy always called Tails Doll, Doll. She said he was too creepy to not be called Doll. Sonic hated that she hardly called him EXE. He almost hit Tails Doll through her wall once. Luckily, Cream Doll was there and caught him before he smashed the wall.
Amy could sense Sonics presence as he entered her personal realm. She walked to her door and saw Sonics red, evil, killer eyes. Amy opened the door and he gave her a crooked smile. Amy smiled back. "Welcome Sonic, would you like something to eat?" Her voice was almost a whisper, but Sonic detected every word. "Nah, I'm fine...I was wondering if you'd like to help me tonight though?" He raised an eyebrow with a seductive grin. It was times like this he was glad the blood underneath his eyes were darker then his blush. Amy thought for a second. Usually she would go without hesitation, but today was the day she died. 100 years ago today, a man broke into her house and chocked her while another shot her multiple times. She didn't remember the details, but she knew she died here. And she hoped to have a day of grieving.
"I'd love to EXE, but today's a special day." She whispered and wouldn't meet his gaze. Sonic felt his already dead heart stop beating. "Are you sure you don't want to change your mind?" He asked and caused a rip across her front door. Amy nodded and closed the door.
Sonic knew why she wasn't going to go, but he still wanted her to. He growled and walked out of her realm back to his. Sonic had died by his step father. He had murdered him with a terrible drug that caused obsessive bleeding. They had been playing hide and seek in the forest when it happened. Sonic had been a happy kid, but once he aged to 22 in this world he had become an evil spirt. And once Amy came to this part of the evil world it all changed. He had become obsessed with her. She was literally the only light in his dead life. She wasn't such an evil spirt as he. And he adored that. It made him feel so different. He wasn't taking no for an answer. He was going to get her come with him that night.
Amy walked through her house; unable to do anything. But she felt content with this. Images of her death coursed through her head. She shuddered as she walked to her couch and curled up. She would have gotten a blanket, but she decided to let the cold settle her. Then she heard her window break from her room. She sighed and walked into the room. Sonic was standing outside and trying to get in. "Be careful of the glass. I don't want real blood in my room." She told him sternly. Sonic walked in and smiled crookedly at her. "Let's go and scare some people" he whispered. "I can't Sonic." Amy said and walked away. Sonic growled and raced in front of her. "Let's play a game. Hide and seek...TAG." He smirked. Amy's eyes widen. That was what Sonic said when he was desperate. "Fine, but if I win I stay here and grieve my death." She said. "And if I come with me. And be mine." He added with a twitch of the eye. Amy blushed. "Be yours?" She asked him. "Oh, yes, my dear" he smirked. "Mine. You'll queen. Well join our realms and make a castle, deal?" He put out his hand with a smirk. Amy hesitated, but grabbed his hand as a dark mist engulfed them.

Amy opened her eyes and was in a dark metal cage over a tree. "The rules are simple" Sonic smiled as he lowered himself from the trees vine. "Don't let me find you or catch you. I'll make this easy since I like you." He smiled with his red eyes glowing. "You have 2 minutes to hide. If I can't find you in 5 minutes after that then you win." The cage lowered and Amy walked out. "Be quick Amy" he whispered as she took off running. "You don't want to be too slow" a crooked smile appeared on his face as he started to count to 120.

"I have to run" Amy EXE thought. "Just keep running" she was panting now. Trying to look for places to hide while running was hard. And it didn't help that Sonic knew every part of the realm. Anywhere she hid he would know it immediately. It was all a matter of how fast she was. But why was she so determined to beat him? She wanted to be his so bad, and she could always grieve next year. Maybe it was because she didn't want the feeling of dying again. When Sonic catches someone it gives them the feeling of dying again. He gives them pain. Most demons here would love to feel again. Feel the wind, the sun, the way they died, but Amy despised it. She tripped and her leg had a huge cut going down to her ankle. No pain yet, so Sonic wasn't near her. She still had some time to hide.
"115...116...117...118...119...120" Sonic smiled as he dropped to the ground. "Here I come Amy!" He laughed and took off to find her. "Where could if have lost my Rose? Perhaps in a bush? Or a garden? Or is she in a cave...hoping for the darkness to engulf her?" Sonic EXE flew around trees and boulders in search for her. Then he smelled her blood. "Oh my, this is highly unfair. I need a fair game to win. How about I fix up that bleeding leg and we continue our game?" Sonic popped up behind a tree and grabbed Amy's arm. She screamed, but then relaxed. "You scared me!" She spat. Sonic smiled and sat her down in his lap. "Time!" He called. Everything in the realm froze except them. "Once your leg is better we can continue. I play fair, you see?" He smirked and started to sew her leg back up with thorns and spiderwebs. "How do you know how to do this?" Amy asked him. "Oh please, do you know how many times TD and CD have came to get sewed back up? I swear they get more ripped up then real dolls." Sonic EXE growled. He found it quite annoying that they came to him for help. He had better things to do after all. Like stalking Amy. "I'd like to help them sometimes too. I was a blanket maker in my past life." Amy EXE smiled. Sonic look up at her, surprised. "Really? I thought you were a rich kid? Like a lawyer or something." He said to her. "No, I stayed inside most of the time. I didn't enjoy socialization. Most people would just be..." Amy trailed off and looked at the ground. "Be what?" Sonic asked sternly. " me names, trip me, I guess that's why I got killed." That made Sonic growl. "You died because of those people? I don't know wether to thank them or kill them." Sonic said as he pulled a spiderweb through her leg. Her leg looked better now. "Great, now, back to the-" "actually, I forfeit. Let's just go. And we get back we can start that castle." She winked at him. Sonic EXE smiled. "Guess I caught you then." "Yup, I was just too slow." Amy EXE giggled.

Amy and Sonic EXE were in the real world. They were in a different dimension though. They planned on haunting themselves, but only in ones dreams. "Who first?" Amy asked Sonic. "You or me?" They stared at the pair of themselves that were alive. The alive Amy Rose was asleep next to Sonic on a couch. While the alive Sonic was struggling to keep his eyes open. "Let's go with me first. We'll have to wait a bit though." He growled. "No we don't, watch this." Amy EXE said and floated behind the alive Sonic. "They can't see, hear, or feel us, but we can still manipulate them." She started to massage his shoulders and rub his head. He soon fell asleep and was snuggling the alive Amy's body. "They're so cute" Amy EXE smirked. "Yeah...let's ruin it" Sonic EXE smiled. Then they jumped into Sonics head.

They made Sonic see everything horrible in the world. They made the dream feel and look so real. They made him watch as Amy died in front of him and caused him to almost kill himself in the dream. Then they were kicked out of his mind as the alive Amy woke him up. The alive Sonic was in tears and hugged her tightly. Not daring to let her go. Sonic and Amy EXE laughed and rolled in the floor. "He's so scared!!" Amy exclaimed. "I know right?! Watch this!" Sonic EXE turned on and off the light quickly. Sonic screamed and cried louder as he squeezed Amy close to his body. Amy EXE laughed her head off and almost joined in. "Wait, we don't want to make him insane" she told Sonic EXE. He frowned and sighed. He had enjoyed making this version of himself cry. "Fine...wanna go into hers next?" He asked and pointed at the alive Amy. She was rubbing Sonics back while he cried over her shoulder. "Do you want to? I feel pretty drained already." Amy EXE yawned. "Fine, let's go back. I can start the castle." He winked and grabbed her hand. Then they started to fly back to their own world. Sonic EXE took one last glance at himself. "Take good care of her" he whispered. Amy EXE smiled at Sonic EXE sweetly. "Come on" she kissed his cheek and they went through a portal to their world.


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