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Sorry if the last chapter was too long.
I didn't wanna cut it up like I did chapter 9 and 10, since one chapter would be super short.
Shouldn't matter now though, since I have a special chapter for y'all!
Enjoy it while it lasts :)

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

I hummed a tune as I walked down the sidewalk into the suburb.
"Let the voice of love... take you hiiiigherrr..." I sang quietly as I counted down the houses, stopping in front of Josuke's house.
Ah, time for another tutoring session featuring my crush. It's a great situation I find myself in on this fine day..
I stopped humming as I walked up, knocking on the door.
Tomoko opened the door with a polite smile, "Ah, hello {Y/n}! Josuke should be upstairs, you can go get him if you want. I'd do it myself, but I'm in the middle of making dinner at the moment.."

I nodded as she let me in, "It's no problem, Tomoko. You can keep doing your thing, I'll get him."
Closing the door behind her, she sighed in relief, "Thank you, {Y/n}."
I simply smiled as I set my stuff at the table and went upstairs, hearing the rattle of pots and pans as Tomoko went back to making dinner.
Looking around at the hallway doors, I frowned when I heard the shower was running.
Walking up to the bathroom door, I stared at it for a moment.

Do you think he's taking a shower...? I mean.. who else would it be? I'm pretty sure it's just him and his mom living here...
Well, that's a problem.
I was about to walk back downstairs when I heard feint singing.

"..How can you you just leave me standing?... alone in a world that's so cold?"
I snickered quietly, before sneaking back over and pressing my ear to the door.
"Maybe I'm just too demanding... maybe I'm just like my father, too bold,"
I tried not to laugh too loud, as I whispered to myself, "Oh my god, he actually sings in the shower.."
"Maybe you're just like my mother... she's never satisfied..."
I grinned, thinking, wait, is this a Prince song? That's even better, holy shit..
"Why do we scream at each other?... this is what it sounds like.. when doves cry."

He paused, and I assumed he'd either heard me or he was done singing, so I walked back downstairs, trying to hide my snickering.
Tomoko looked at me questioningly as she stirred a pot of soup, "What's so funny?..."
I shake my head, "Oh, it's nothing. By the way, Josuke's in the shower, so um.. should I come back some other time?"
She frowned, "The shower? Ah, crap. The dumbass must've forgotten about his tutor session today... one second, {Y/n}, I'll go get him."
I watched as she angrily stormed upstairs, flinching as I heard her bang on the bathroom door, yelling for him to come out.
I laughed to myself upon hearing Josuke's flustered voice trying to explain himself,
I feel bad for him... but still, it's pretty funny.

Tomoko walked back downstairs, sighing as she went back to the kitchen to finish dinner.
"I'm sorry about him, {Y/n}. He can be a real idiot sometimes..." she goes back to stirring the soup.
"It's fine, miss Tomoko. I don't mind it," I sat at the table to wait for Josuke.
She chuckled to herself, "I'm sure you don't."
I felt my face warm up, what's that supposed to mean?

I cleared my throat awkwardly, pretending I didn't understand, "R-right. Anyways, I'm sorry about the other day. I kinda just left without explaining anything to you, and I realize now that I probably should have, I was just... kinda embarrassed, at the moment."
She nods, "It's totally fine. Josuke told me what happened after you left. I'm sorry that happened to you, {Y/n}... I'm just glad Josuke was there to help. And, hey, if you need it, I can give you some pepper spray. You probably won't have to use it, but it's good to have just in case."
She doesn't know that I can just use my stand if it happens again...
"O-oh, no, I don't need anything, really. I'm sure it won't happen again," I smile nervously.
And, also, what did he tell her? There's no way he told her he beat the crap out of 3 adult men trying to tap that highschool girl ass.
He must've come up with something, or there's no way she'd have believed him.
Man, I'll have to ask him about that later...

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