Your highness,

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Prompto was adopted by the king of niflehime and was raised as a prince, but then happened the tragedy. A man that went by the name Ardyn Izuna appeared. At first it seemed like nothing was amis, just a polite and quite cheerful councilor of some sort. Until the man killed the  king and took the throne. Nothing was told to the neighboring countries, he made it clear that not even king Regis found out. This all happened a while ago..Prompto is now 17.

With months passing Prompto wasn't even sure how to deal with his life anymore. Ravious became silent, and Lunafraia was allowed to do as she pleased. No problem with that right? Then came the problem, king Ardyn . He wasn't sure if this man cared for him or wanted to make his life a living hell. One moment he's all sun shine and rainbows, the most caring person in the world..but the next he's cold and dosnt want to be bothered with the young prince. He guessed that he took the role of king very seriously ,or too serious.

Must do things right and proper. " A true prince has perfect posture. Very elegant and graceful. " He'd go on and on. And these lessons are becoming painfull.

Prompto stood there trying to be strait. like usual the minute he even wavered on stood a little weird Ardyn noticed. *Whack* Prompto fell forward a bit when the cane was hit behind his legs. Prompto's eyes teared up as he bit his lip. This was the fifth time around the same spot he was hit." Tsk, tsk. Don't look at me like that. It's your own fault you know? Stand up tall and strait. This wouldn't happen if your can manage to stand up without bowing. Dry up those tears now. You won't get sympathy from me."

Ardyn cupped Promptos face in his palm before letting it drop to the ground. Again Prompto stood up tall and then held out his arms. He knew around the fifth time he messed up Ardyn would make it more difficult. Books were placed in his arms as he was to hold his posture for another thirty minutes. Lady luck was on his side because he manage to hold the book the rest of the thirty minutes. Prompto gently puts the books down on the table as he looks at Ardyn.

"So fath-" Ardyn glared at him, hense giving him the hint to change what he was about to say. " K-king Ardyn..can I please leave the castle? I've done all my duties today. A-and so I won't bother you." he added before looking at his eyes. " Fine. Go and leave me know what time you are to return. Any later and I'll ban you from leaving this castle. Am I clear?"

Prompto nodded quickly and went to leave before Ardyn stopped him. " Also do remember what's off limits. If you keep messing around and not take practice seriously, I will raise the time to two hours. Now begone." Prompto mentally cringed at the thought of two hours of posture practice. "Thankyou my king.." Ardyn just waved him away and went back to reading, and guards bowed as Prompto exited the castle. Prompto smiled as he pulled out a camera from his bag.

It was a gift from Ardyn, he knew that he loved to take pictures. And Prompto found some pretty neat places to take some. One of those places happened to be a highschool. To bad Ardyn won't let him go. Mabey he can convince him some how? Promp thought to himself. As he started to take some shots of a cat that was sleeping in a patch of flowers. He giggles to himself. " So cute! Whatchu doing down there little guy? Is the flowers comfy?"

He suddenly stopped as he saw a car pull up by the fountain around the area he was at. He saw a man and a teen around his age step out. He puts the camera away in his bag then started to leave, but tripped over the cat and fell in the fountain. As the cat scurred off an arm reached over him and pulled him up. It was the older gentleman that pulled him up. "I-i am sorry!" Prompto started to apologize, he wasn't really good at talking to new people.

"It's alright , no need to apologize. I should be apologizing for startling you." Promptos eyes widened as he bowed. "K-king Regis. It's an honor to meet you. " The king smiled and pat his back. " The pleasure is mine.sorry to disturb you. I noticed you were taking photos, you seem to know what your doing. Care to take a photo of me and my son? " Prompto nodded as he smiled. "O-of course! Um if I may ask what's his name?" The teen spoke up, after being quiet this whole time." Noctis."

Prompto nodded as he started to snap some good photos of the pair. Once finished he handed it over to the king to show him. " These are really good!you have quite the talent young man. How much? " Prompto's eyes widened slightly as he looked at them."no no. It's free! Here." He smiled before handing over the photos.

The king smiled back as he took them. "What was your name lad? You didn't tell me." Prompto looked up and then bowed once more. "O-oh silly me. My name is Prompto. Prompto Aldercapt..Prince of niflehime-" his blood ran cold. He forgot that was not to be told. He forgot, due to the excitement of meeting new people. The king was surprised." I didn't know nifilehime had a prince. I guess that is something that slipped their mind. We should have dinner one of these days. Well we best be off. Have a lovely day."

Prompto nodded and looked away as his eyes started to tear up. Ardyn will not be please with him, he now dreaded going back to the kingdome but knew he had to. He called forth a car to get him and was quiet the whole way back. With courage he walked in the throne room. " Ah, your back. I assume your day went swell? Any photos worth looking at? " Ardyn asked as he plucked the camera from his hands and went to look in it." I'm sorry.." Prompto said as he looked at the ground.

Ardyn eyed him before noticing he was wet, very wet." Did you fall in a pond or something? And what are you babiling on about being sorry." Prompto tried to keep a serious face as he looked at Ardyn."I met the king today and..I-I announced my self. I forgot, I'm really sorry-" he panicked before Ardyn cut him off by placing his hand in front of him. " You mean to say you told the king of insomnia your name and status? After I deliberately warned you never to do such?" Ardyn asked as he slightly started to get angry.

"Yes.I did. I really didn't mean to. " Prompto said looking away from his face. Ardyn sighed and looked at him."come here, and if I need to repeat my self ." He warned as Prompto walked to him. "Close your eyes. " He says as Prompto clenched his fist and did as he was told. Panic overcame his body as he knew what will happen next. Ardyn gentle caressed his cheek before slapping his face hard , making Prompto stumble back a little as he bit on his tongue to keep himself from crying.

"It seems I need to keep your toy for now. Be lucky I don't break it. To your chambers. I don't want to see  a sniveling mess. You are not to leave the room until told. "
With that said Prompto made haste to his room and started to sob in his pillow. The door was locked on the outside to keep him from leaving. It's not like he can go anywhere. His face hurts..No friends, no camera. He just clutched on to the stuffed toy chocobo  as he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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