Priceless Treasure

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 "Don't judge a book by its cover"

 I sat in the auditorium of my last class of the day, though I was not really paying attention to what the professor was talking about.  I was too busy looking out the window at the snow covered University grounds. Politics was not something that I found interesting. To be honest Law was not something that I was interested in. But that’s the path that my parents wanted me to take. They had my life planned out for me since the day I was born. They wanted me to go into the steps of my father and become a Lawyer, just like him. And being the good child that I am, I had no choice but to go with their plan even though my interest were the exact opposite. I wanted to go to the art school. But when I told my parents that I wanted to go to an art school, they did not support that idea. But according to my parents, art would not get me anywhere in life. And since I didn’t want to make my parents disappointed, I gave up on my dream and went with theirs.

“That’s going to be enough for today” The professor announced, bringing me out of my thoughts. I stood up and gathered up my things, placing them into my bag before rushing out of the class.

When I got outside it was dark and the snow was softly falling from the sky. I loved snow and I loved how peacefully it fell from the sky, not making any sound. Sighing, I got my iPod out of my bag, placing the ear buds in my ears and turned it on. The soft beat of Leona Lewis – Fireflies filled my ears. I placed the small device into my coat pocket and made my way off the school grounds.

The snow was falling in my face as I walked down the sidewalk, the streets were kind of empty and dark which made me kind of regret choosing to turn down this street, but since it was the quickest way to the Starbucks and I didn’t want to freeze to death this was the way to go. All I wanted to do was get some nice hot chocolate before I head home.

I was about to turn a corner when my body collided with a dark figure, knocking me down to the ground. My head collided with the pavement, making me groan out in pain.

“What the…” I cursed, looking up at the figure that had knocked me down. He looked just as surprised as I was.  He offered me his hand and I took it but I didn’t have time to register what was happening when I was quickly yanked up dragged after him to the small dark, alley between two brick buildings.

“What are you doing?” I cried out, trying to yank my arm away from his.

“Ssshh, be quiet” He demanded, though I didn’t listen still trying to get him to let go off of me.

“Let me go” I cried out, tears were starting to well up in my eyes, I was starting to panic.

“Oh for fucks sake” He cursed before pushing me up against the hard brick wall, My eyes widened in shock when I felt him press his body into mine, and in a second his lips were pressed against mine.  My arms instantly came up to his chest in protest, attempting to push him a way.  But he was quick to grab the hold of my hands and bringing them down to my sides, his grip on my wrist was so tight I was sure it’s going to leave bruises. While I was trying to get the mysterious boy off of me I didn’t notice a group of man running past the ally, shouting something about killing someone when they will get their hands on them.  Finally, the guy slowly pulled away, his deep dark eyes staring in to mine.

I stood there frozen with shock. What the fuck did just happen?

“The fuck do you think you are doing?” I asked him, pressing my body harder against the brick wall as if it was going to move.

“Sorry, It was the only way to shut you up” He told me raising his arms up and backed away from me.

“Why would I shut up if some creep was trying to do god knows what” I argued with him.

“I’m not a creep and besides if I had not shut you up, you and I would both be dead by now, so you better be thank full.” He snapped back.

“What?” I asked confused. What the hell was he talking about? “But that doesn’t give you any right to kiss me” I stood my ground.

“If you would have just shut your mouth I wouldn’t have had to kiss you” He replied angrily.

What the hell was this dude’s problem?

“How would you react if a stranger dragged you into a fucking dark alley? Huh?” I screamed back at him. I crossed my arms across my chest and waited for his replay.  When he didn’t reply I let out a small laugh.

“Exactly, you would have probably done the same so, shut your mouth!” I told him.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got more important things to do” I said before pushing myself from the wall and walking out of the alley.

“Whatever” He muttered before walking past me, his shoulder bumping into mine, as he walked down the street in the direction he had come from and in fact the direction I had to go to.

“Asshole” I muttered, loud enough for him to hear. The guy let out a laugh “Bitch”



This continued for few blocks, we were throwing insults at each other like we were in a grade school, it was stupid and childish but I just couldn’t help myself. Who the fuck he think he is, kissing me like that. While we were walking and throwing insults at each other, I had a chance to study him closely. His hair was dark and messy, from what I could see and He was dressed in all black. He had on a black leather jacket, skinny yeans and boots. His appearance just screamed ‘I’m a bad boy’ and girls were probably drooling over this dude. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes from a rough side of London too, judging by his appearance.   

“Fucking delinquent” I muttered. The guy stopped short, before turning around to face me. That made me stop too. Shit! Did I really say it out loud?

“What did you just call me?” He asked. I swallow hard before looking up at him, my eyes were wide and my heart was beating fast in my chest. I didn’t say anything I just stood there frozen.

He started to walk towards me but I still didn’t move.

“What did you just call me?” He asked again through gritted teeth. His face was so close to mine I could feel his hot breath against my skin. To say that I was scared was an understatement. This guy was really intimidating and I had no idea what he was going to do.  His dark brown eyes were staring back into my green ones. I swallowed hard.

“A delinquent” I replied, finally regaining the little confidence that was left in me.

“You don’t fucking know me so you have no right to put labels on me” He growled angrily before he turns around and storms off, leaving me standing there shaking from fear and guilt. 

Here it is... after waiting soo long and working hard on this, it's finaly here and we hope that it was good enough to make you want more? Please tell me that it was :D 

So tell us what you think in the comments and Vote too!!! Votes are very important.! Anyways Hope you enjoyed!

Love Laima and Diana!

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