Same Sky

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"Happy 3rd anniversary."

Sayanee whispered to Milky's ear while both sitting side by side with their body touched on the rooftop, looking at the vast dark sky and its countless stars. "I love you."

"I love you too."

A memory that will be forever in Milky's mind.

A memory.

"Hey, so we got some work to do this afternoon." Said Yuihan her best friend, her class mate and her partner for the drama show their university theater team will held in 3 months.

"We got to send this proposal to potential sponsor...are you listening to me" she asked, knowing that Milky hadn't move a bit since she sat down in the chair next to the girl.

"Ah, sorry what did you say?"

"What is it?" Yuihan glanced at Milky's phone.

Milky didn't want to answer it at first.

"Sayanee?" Yuihan guessed.

"Someone tagged me in a post with her."

"Who's that motherfucking insensitive bastard?" Yuihan took the phone from Milky's hand and check it herself. It was her girlfriend, Haruka.

"Oh...umm...I'll tell her later if I meet her."

Milky just shook her head lightly.

"She looks happy now." Milky said.

A silent crept between the two girls for a while.

"Well, you are happy too, aren't you?"

"Yes. It's's nice to see her achieving her dreams."

That was what Milky said, but Yuihan could see clearly the emptiness in her best friend's eyes.

Milky suddenly changed the topic to the drama show. Yuihan explained about it once again without questioning or mentioning anything about it again and they went to finish their duty after eating.


Paruru visited Yuihan in her apartment late in the night. She also had quite a lot of things that day but she wanted to eat some late-night snack with Yuihan so, she came.

"Why did you tag Milky and Sayanee together? You know how Milky feels about the breakup still, right?" Yuihan confronted Paruru when they were sitting face to face in front of the gyudon, Yuihan's favorite food, and melon bread, Paruru's favorite.

"I know. But Sayanee is my friend just as Milky is your friend."

Yuihan looked at Paruru confused.

"I know how she feels." Paruru added.

"You got me lost here."

"Sayanee did it all for Milky."

It had been 2 years or so since Milky and Sayanee broke up. It was not a nice one if one had to say. Sayanee had betrayed Milky. At least that was how Milky knew it. Then, Sayaka went away, far away to the place that she always wanted. Milky didn't really know about this because there were no more 'they' for them. It had been Sayanee or Milky since.

Milky's heart was broken, that is for sure.

She never heard anything about Sayanee after. For the longest time, her life felt empty. But as people always say, time is the cure. Slowly but sure, Milky felt okay. Terribly okay, in fact.

Same Sky (SayaMilky AU)Where stories live. Discover now