The problem of wings

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Janett ,25

Chris jolted awake not finding his wife next to him like always
He tried going back to sleep but he was wide awake

He didn't bother to put on a shirt and went downstairs

Chris sneaked up by the corner hiding while watching her bending over the counter while scrolling on her phone sipping cold water

He leaned against the wall folding his arms while smiling
She noticed him from the corner of here eyes

What are you some kind of slut"She commented holding back a laugh
Please he was in one of the sluttiest innocent position in man kind

Ouch"He held his heart fake hurt written all over his face as he came closer and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind

She turned off her phone and leaned back into his chest
He slowly kissed up her neck and turning her chin so thhat he could fully kiss her

She melted in his arms and fully turned to him she pulled away
Cut the bullshit what do you really want from me ?"She tolted her head

So I can't kiss my wife "he leaned in but she pulled her head far away
His hands still on her waist

You wanna taste my punani ?"she whispered
He looked her up and down admiring how her night gown showed her figure

You wanna taste my punani ?"she whispered He looked her up and down admiring how her night gown showed her figure

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