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'GUYS LOOK AT THIS FUCKING PHOTO!!!' Yoongi screamed after opening the envelope....

Jimin couldn't finish as Yoongi quickly shoved a bunch of photos to Jungkook and Jimin.
'Wha-Anna?!' Jungkook gasped as he saw the photos.

In the envelope there was a bunch of photos of Anna and Y/N. It was back then when they were still friends. Y/N and Anna were smiling at the camera while posing heart shape with their fingers. On another photo, Y/N was taking selfie while Anna was eating behind. In another photo, they were wearing cute bunny ears and were in a carnival.

Jungkook's mouth dried as his thoughts were running 1000 km/h. All the things that he heard from Y/N's sister Ara and he read a while ago made him go weak. He really wished that whatever he was thinking wasn't true at all.

'Isn't it Anna Stark?!' Jimin gasped loudly.

'Yes! And based on Y/N's diary Anna stark is the one and only friend of Y/N! Oh sorry was. Now she is her bully. Fuck! I knew it! That girl! She is a pain in the ass!' Yoongi cursed.

'Oh my god! We don't have time for these!' Jimin suddenly remembered.

'Jungkook! Y/N! She!'

'She what hyung?!'

'Someone said that she is alone now! Where is Jung hyun?' Jimin asked.

'I don't know! He was supposed to be with her!'

'What? But the guy said that nobody is in the ward with her now! He is one of my trusted ward boy. I know him since Yoongi hyung had his shoulder surgery.' Jimin said.

'Shit! If this is true that Anna was Y/N friend and bully, that means Anna definitely knows that Y/N! Aish I don't even know! But for the fact that she knows Y/N is your twin, she knows her hospital room since all of us were there when Anna came! She can harm her! Fuck! We should leave now! Y/N is not safe!'

'Yes! But I don't think Anna is that type of girl! I am sure something is wrong here!' Jungkook said as all of them jogged out of the apartment and to the car.

'So you fucking believe that Anna is innocent and you twin is lying?!' Yoongi spat angrily.

'What? No hyung!' Jungkook defended.

'Can you stop the arguments! We should focus on driving and calling Jung hyun!' Jimin yelled at Jungkook and Yoongi.

'S-sorry.' Jungkook chocked. He was already crying since he finished Y/N's diary.

'I am sorry too kiddo.' Yoongi said as he took out his phone to call Jung hyun.

Jimin also started to call the ward boy to tell him to look over Y/N as Jungkook was driving.

'Why isn't he receiving the call!' Both Jimin and Yoongi sighed in frustration.
As soon as the three of them got out of the car, they saw another car parking right behind them.

'Isn't it our bodyguards?' Jimin muttered.

'Yes.' Yoongi replied.

The bodyguards circled them so that no one can see them but Army's eyes are in another level. The girls and some fan boys started to scream and yell their name.


'I can't even believe that this trending is still going.' Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Jimin grinned as they tried to enter the hospital. They were being sandwich between the bodyguards as their fans tried to handshake with them. After entering the hospital, they rushed towards the elevator.

'How can you say that there is no parcel for me?! A nurse just informed me that I have to receive it myself!'

Three of them stopped when they heard Jung hyun's furious voice.

'Hyung!' Jungkook yelled to draw the attention of Jung hyun.

'Jungkook? Jimin and Yoongi hyung? What are you guys doing here?' Jung hyun asked.

'Why are you here?! Shouldn't you be with Y/N right now?!' Jungkook yelled at his brother.

'I know but a nurse came and told me that there is a parcel for me. She said that only I can receive it from the reception.' Jung hyun said cluelessly.

'Oh god!' Jungkook sighed and rushed back towards the elevator.

'Guys what happened?! Why are you in a hurry and what is going on!' Jung hyun asked as all four of them entered the elevator with 2 bodyguards. Other guards were downstairs.

'Hyung we were in Y/N's apartment. We found her diary and found out about her childhood life, friend and....bully.' Jimin said.

'So? I also know it.' Jung hyun said.

'You know it?! You know that Anna was Y/N's best friend?!' Jungkook screamed again.

'Wait what?! What the hell are you saying?!'

'Yes. Anna Stark was Y/N's friend who then bullied her to death.' Yoongi disgustingly said as he remembered the notes where Y/N wrote how Anna sent men to rape her.

'You are saying that, that bitch was the one who hired men to rape my fucking sister?!!'

It was the first time Jimin saw Jung hyun this angry. Jung hyun pushed Jungkook and held his collar.

'Tell me! Is she that bitch?! I can!t believe you liked that type of girl! Who made sure that you own Fucking twin gets raped!!' Jung hyun spatted.

'H-hyung, it is not confirmed yet! Also I didn't knew back then that Y/N was my twin!' Jungkook tried to defend to himself.

'Wow! Me, Yoongi hyung and other members knew that Anna was not a good or innocent girl! We told you that! We told you this thing for hundred times! You didn't even listened to us! I won't be surprised if you still want to date that bitch! But remember my words Jungkook if Anna was that bitch and you still don't believe it then you won't be able to see Y/N again. I swear to god!' Jung hyun said.

'HYUNG! DON'T SAY LIKE THAT. Y/N IS MY SISTER, MY TWIN! She.....she is my other half! I share my emotions with her mentally and physically before you or our parents! How could you say that!' Jungkook cried out.

'Why is this lift moving so slow!' Jimin thought to himself as he couldn't help but to watch the brothers fight since Yoongi held his hand indicating not to interfere.


Everyone walked out of the elevator as they ran towards Y/N's room. Yoongi and Jungkook were in one line as Yoongi said,

'But it is true that even after seeing the photos and reading your twin's diary, you still have faith in Anna. You not even once said that how can she do this to my sister, Jungkook.........'


T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now