1: The Laughter

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"(Y/n) make sure you put the leftover boxes in the right spot please." The manager walked pasts you watching you put the things onto the shelf you turned your head humming in response as you continued to stock the shelf. You liked your job but here and there you didn't like the customers, they always made the day harder for you and sometimes made you want to leave but you never did, mainly because you knew if you retaliated you would get in trouble and possibly lose your job. And you didn't want to lose the money you were making or lose everything in your name. Your car, your house, your own personal belongings. With having a job, you had all the things you could ever want that you couldn't have at home. You enjoyed being on your own, away from your toxic family and everything it has caused you in the past.
Pushing the can back onto the shelf you climbed down from the small ladder picked up the empty box and walked to the back of the room holding the box in your hands. Moving your hair out of your eyes, pushing the long silver doors open you put the box where your manager told you to put them so they would be crushed and out of the way. Fixing your scrub you felt your phone go off, pulling out of your pocket you looked seeing your mother had posted a photo with her and your siblings out on the beach, and you rolled your eyes. Annoyed how you still had to keep them in your contact. And how every time they posted something it was mainly to rub it in your face that you left while they are having a grand old time. They always sent photos when they were on trips, and when your siblings even made them proud, apparently something you couldn't do. You shut your phone off as you put your phone away walking back to where you were you picked up the ladder folding it so it would be able to fit back into the small space where it was every day.
"Hey (Y/n)" Milly walks to you holding her small lunch pale, you turned your head to see her gently waving as you watched her sit down at the small table.
"Taking your break?" You hummed putting the ladder back she nodded her head putting her pale down on the table and grabbing her drink from the fridge. She walked back to her table and she sits down nodding her head.
"Yup I mean I have been here for like 5 hours I need to eat at some time." She pulls her hair up as she looks at you. You nodded your head looking over at the time, only to come you had ten minutes till you got to leave. You moved walking back to the small table sitting down and rubbing your eyes you were tired, you haven't slept in a while mainly because in a few hours you were being asked to go watch your uncle's cabin in the middle of nowhere. Why well because his own children refused to go watch it mainly because they were always too busy to even help. So your mom called you basically telling you if you went she would then block you on everything since that was what you wanted since day one of moving out of the house and she would finally accept that request and you were hella thankful for it because ever since leaving all you wanted was for them to completely stop talking to you. Babysitting a house didn't seem all that bad no, it was where it was located that bother you. The woods where so many people go missing or where people have found bodies, you have never been in the woods even when the family went to the cabin you refused to even go there with your family you always stayed home. Mainly so you wouldn't end up missing or dead. Even though it wouldn't bother you if you went missing.
"You okay you went pale for a hot second?" Milly broke you out of your thinking process you turned looking at her and shrugging your shoulders. You moved and you rubbed your eyes.
"I am mainly just not ready to go watch my uncle's cabin... it's just I know something is going to happen." Milly took a drink of her water as she looks at him and she nods her head as she leans back onto the chair moves and she pulls her hair out of her face.
"Well, you have my number so text me if something is wrong okay? Because I will be there in a heartbeat to help you. I know you have been through a lot so I wanna be there and I wanna help you." She closed her pale seeing her time was almost up. You looked at her with your eyes widened but you nodded your head.
"I will text you I promise, and I will send you the address right away as well, but I don't know if you wanna go there.." You mumbled under your breath as you rubbed your eyes. Milly nodded her head as she looks at her she tilts her head confused at why she wouldn't want to go to where your uncle's cabin would be.
"You know the woods?" You leaned onto your palm she nods her head slowly as you looked at her sighing under your breath you looked away.
"My uncle's cabin is in the middle of those woods, so that's why I don't think you should have to worry about it." Milly widens her eyes a little as she looked at you then she moves and she held the handle of her lunch pale and she nods her head.
"Still I will come help regardless of where it is. Why don't you get home, you looked tired. And your shift is almost over with." She stands and walks as she smiles and she walks down the small hall. You watched her walk away and you stood up fixing your scrub as you walked to the small computer touching the pin pad clocking out of the store. Pulling out your keys you walked to your car unlocking the car. Hoping once you were home you could breathe for a little bit before you go to the cabin. You didn't want to disappoint your family, but you still didn't want to get hurt while watching that cabin.

~Time Skip~

You pushed the car door closed as you looked at the dark cabin the walls were covered in moss and tangled weeds. The windows looked dirtier than ever.
"How long has he left this cabin alone." You mumbled to yourself walking pulling out the key holding your bag onto your shoulder walking up the steps. Hearing the floor boards slowly crack you held your breath slightly as you walked to the door. Hoping and praying that you wouldn't go through the porch. Unlocking the door you turned your head making sure no one was behind you, taking a small breath you pushed the door open as you looked inside seeing how the cabin looked ten times better on the inside than it did outside. Sighing you closed the door behind you, taking your shoes off. Walking to the living room you placed the bag onto the couch as you looked around. The kitchen was cleaned, the fridge was full of fresh food, walking down the small hall you opened the main bedroom seeing how clean it was the tv was on the wall, and the small lamps were on the tables. Walking into the bathroom you saw that it was cleaned nothing gross was found in the bathroom. You signed under your breath walking back down the hall to the kitchen. Turning on the living room tv you started to cook some dinner so you didn't sit there hungry. Listening to the news you turned the stove on as you boiled the water.
"A new killing has happened in the town of Jackson, in a family home on Tupper Road." You turned your head watching the news, that was your old friend's house. But you two stopped talking to one another after you found out she went behind your back making a lot of people hate you. You picked up the remote turning the tv up as you had all of your focus on the tv.
"Two people were killed one is missing, Tim Park and Linda Park were found dead in their beds, both killed harshly. The mother had several stab wounds while the father had two major stab wounds and his mouth was cut into a big smile. Jenny Park however was found to be missing. Nothing was tranced but her clothes being torn and ripped apart." The family's pictures show up on the tv. You held the remote watching leaning your back onto the counter.
"The police are doing everything they can to try and find Jenny, if you live in a small town in Jackson it's best to make sure to lock your doors windows, or anything so this doesn't happen to you or your family." The news logo shows as it goes to commercial holding the remote you shrugged walking to the stove. Yes, you felt bad for her but at the same time, you didn't care she and you weren't friends you both went your own ways and made things out. Cooking the pasta you held the small wooden spoon as you looked at the boiling water. You lift your head once you hear the faint sound of laughing, your body started to shiver, and you could feel your stomach turn. You continued to stir the pasta trying to ignore the laughing you were hearing, maybe it was from the tv and you started to think you were going crazy. Moving your bangs you put the noodles into a strainer making sure it was draining in the sink. Turning the cold water on you jumped hearing the laughter right in your ear you turned around holding the spoon tightly as you looked around holding onto the spoon you saw no one was there. Looking at the tv you say it was the news with no laughing no nothing just people being serious about the weather. You could feel your body shaking you took a small breath going back to finishing your food your body was scared and shaking. You didn't know what was going on or why you were hearing laughing.

Pulling your shorts up you walked to the bed still shaking and scared crawling into the bed you pulled the blankets over you laying on your side as you looked at the pillow next to you, why were you going nuts? Was it your nerves were they getting to you about being here? Or was one of your family members hiding in the house to scare you and make things worse? You sigh under your breath looking at the ceiling and closing your eyes trying to allow the sleep to take over you wanted to get this week done and over with so your uncle could come back to his home.

He walked through the pathway of the woods his breathing was jagged and harsh he needed to get out of the cabin before they even noticed that he was there with them. He watched them closely seeing that they weren't the main owner it was someone else someone he has never seen before. They were something else though, he was going to make sure he would see them again. He pulled up his hood as he walked into the darkness of the woods.  

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