Chapter 1

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Octavia sat on one of the twirl a-around rides, in a secluded area, alone... her knees bent upwards, her arms wrapped around them, as she cried into her legs. Just mere hours before, her world came crashing down around her, and is still managing to crumble down on her. She had tried this morning to drown out her mother's screams at her father, but her headphones wouldn't allow the music to go high enough. Her father had just ruined their family... the picture perfect family he tried so hard to get her to believe they had. Not only did that upset and hurt her, what was hurting her the most, was the fear of him abandoning her, leaving her with her mother, while he left and moved on with his life to be happy without her. She had always been afraid he would abandon her, even as a little girl; no matter how many times he'd promised and tried to console her; that fear was always in the back of her head. "Via? My owlette, what is wrong?" Stolas had asked softly, as he entered the room and saw her sitting in one of the ride seats, crying. He had known she was upset earlier, and he thought their trip to Loo Loo Land would have cheered her up; he was almost devastated at how wrong he was. He crossed the room and sat down beside her.

"You ruined our family," Octavia cried, harder hugging her knees closer to her. She couldn't bare to look up at her father. She only wanted to get out of this horrid amusement park and be left alone. Stolas gently wrapped his arms around her and tugged her to him, holding her gently in his arms, as if she were made of porclain and would break if squeezed too hard. As he began to speak, to try to console and with the intent on explaining everything to her, he would stumble and stutter at his words; unable to come up with the right thing to say, to not make it sound as bad as it probably was. He wanted to tell her that he and Stella were never really in love - that everything had been prearranged when he was even younger than she was now. He wanted to tell her things always happened for a reason, and all the abuse he took from Stella... but something had stopped him. No matter how badly Stella treated him, his main objective had always been to never allow Octavia see or hear it. Almost as if reading his mind, Octavia turned her head to look at him. "I mean, she was never all that good of a mother..." She started slowly "...maybe she wasn't that good of a wife either?" She sniffled as she noticed the surprise look on her father's face.

"Via," Stolas sighed. He was almost in shock at what his daughter had just said. He didn't know how she could have known, as hard as he tried to save her from witnessing it all, one way or the other. But, he realized, he should have known how smart Octavia was. She wasn't a dumb little girl, she was a full grown teenager, just mere years away from entering adulthood... and sometimes he would admit he'd forget how old she was, and how childlike he had treated her at times. "Come, lets leave. You were right, when we got here, you are too grown for this place. Let us go elsewhere and talk, about everything, just you and me, like adults," he soothed softly, as he slid off the ride, and tugged her gently into his arms and carried her bridal style out of the amusement park. Just mere seconds after they left the front gates, an explosion was heard as the amusement park had been consumed by huge flames. The imps Stolas had hired to protect them, came flying over the gates and crashed into the ground besides him. Blitz, one of the imps, stood up, dusting himself off and grinned triumphantly.

"Now, that's what they fucking deserve!" he shouted with excitement, adrenaline rushing through him. Millie stood up, dusting herself off as well and glanced down to a visually dizzy Moxie and helped him up.

"You ok. Mox?" Millie asked as she helped him dust himself off.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Moxie said as he shook his head a few times, trying to shake off the dizziness. Blitz would roll his eyes, and opened his mouth to take a playful jab at Moxie, but the look on Millie's face, as if she knew what he was about to say, made him turn away from them.

"So, Stolas, is the job done, or do you still need us? We got to get back to IMP headquarters, Loony's going to wonder what happened to us.... probably"

"Oh, yes, you are fine to go. Thank you, Blitz, for the protection," Stolas winked playfully at Blitz, but, remembering he was still holding onto his daughter, whom was overdue for some very long awaited answers, in his arms, he shook his head a few times, and cleared his throat. I shall give you a call later, Blitzy," he winked playfully again, cleared his throat again and walked away, carrying Octavia easily as he walked.

"Where are we going, Dad?" Octavia asked, noticing they were headed a completely different direction, other than home.

"Somewhere private, but first, I need to go to IMP headquarters and gather my book," he said, almost absently as they turned another corner and stood infront of IMP offices.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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