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Friends? What is the exact meaning of friend? According to the English dictionary, a friend is; a noun. One is attached to another by respect or affection; acquaintance. One who is not hostile, one who supports or favors something.

However, those are just what is said in the English dictionary, in different terms, the meaning of friend is unknown and surprising. What makes a friend your best friend? How do you differentiate what a best friend is from just a friend?

Friends are the ultimate evil and good in society. Sure having friends is a good thing – friends are the group of people you tell everything to, the people you rely heavily on, and the people that make you laugh and cry. They are the people that you feel strongly comfortable around and will be there when you are at your lowest, and perhaps the highest point of your life. To where friends become like a second family.

The downside to friends is that they are all you have, and once you move on to the stages of life, you either lose them from lack of communication, interests, and or fights. The only hope left is to gain new friends, but reaching out to make new friends is always difficult. How do one person get another's interest in becoming friends? Even the outcome of gaining new friends, some things will end up just like with the old friends that have been let go. Old friends whom you knew since you were little and new friends who affiliate more with you now. It is like a cycle, repeating itself over and over, and even then some friends might not be lost forever, just somewhere in the void ready to come back and resume the friendship.

Then there is also the possibility of losing old friends and never gaining new friends. Completely isolated in any kind of interactions with people, that will lead to awkwardness among interaction and a sense of judgment.

Friendships are not always happy, they are heart-wrenching like a gloomy rainy day. However, after every rain, the sun would have to appear out of the clouds again, shining brightly onto the puddles of rain and with a light stillness to let life know, "it is alright."

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