you fuck azrieal (real not bateclick)

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You where walking home, late at night. You hand in your pockets, as it was quite cold.

You where taking your usual route, although you decided to take a different route than usual.

You knew this route pretty well, so you wouldn't get lost.

While walking on the empty roads, you noticed something.

Huh. Your old church. You remember, as a child, your parents making you wake up at sunday morning and dragging you here.

It looked a bit beaten up, but it was still fine.

You stared at it for a moment, thinking about all the memories in the church, examining it more.

And you wondered- what was inside? Was everything still up? Or was everybody worn and torn down?

You continued thinking, until your thoughts where interrupted, as you noticed a small light coming from inside.

Your curiosity to see what was inside just fueled up more, as you could hear some mumbling from inside. Their voice echoed a bit to the outside walls.

You decided to push every worrg and doubt of yours, and barge inside, swigging the rather large and heavy doors open.

Surprisingly, they weren't locked.

In the building, you can notice the lights where on, it was well lit, like it always has been.

You looked around at the intact building, but quickly got distracted, notciting a figure facing the window.

They had a small light around them, and they had...very pretty long curly hair.

Their hair looked unkept and a bit messy, but it still looked soft and nice to touch. You could notice atop of their locks, a halo. You where confused, thinking maybe this could be someone cosplaying as an angel.

They were on their knees, and they seemed to be wearing a gown. It was to the sides a bit, and you can notice that they where wearing stockings.

Which, would be a rather strange attire for an angel.

You heard them mumbling, and their voice pretty. It was like, a hum. It was high pitched, but not too much to where it would hurt your ears.

From the back angle, you could tell they were perfect, your mind wondered how theh looked from the front.

You blinked for a second, and it seems like your thoughts where heard, they appeared infront of you, looking down at you.

He was very tall, atleast 8ft from what you could see.

You peered up to see his beautiful baby blue eyes, they shined like crystals.

You didn't even question it, because you have certainly seen more...stranger scenes than this.

You would also notice, the multitude of eyes on his face, which you would find...rather arousing?

You shook of the thought, and continued examining more of his features.

He had...porcelain skin, it looked smooth and soft to the touch, and you can notice a tint of red on his cheeks.

He stared at you for a moment, his tint getting more reder, as he was clearly embrassed.

"Hello, Angel." He finally spoke, slipping on his words a bit. His voice sounded more pretty upclose, he spoke, his voice threw sparkles at you.

"....." You stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Although your face did heat up from the name.

"Shouldn't you be bowing down to me? Its quite rude not to bow down to a superior." He scoffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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