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"Miyano, what do you think about this bl manga? "Kuresawa asks and shows a manga to Miyano.

Kuresawa and Miyano are at the bookstore. He wanted to buy a bl manga as a gift for his girlfriend so he asked Miyano to come along for suggestions.

"What about this one? I read it and it's good.", Miyano picked another book from the book shelves.

"Yeah this one looks good too. I will take both. Thanks.", Kuresawa gladly accepts Miyano suggestion and decided to take both.

'Two guys choosing bl mangas in a bookstore..uh..', Miyano thought in his mind. Although there's not much people around, but Miyano felt like there are stares upon him and Kuresawa. It was awkward for him.

"Yo, what are you blanking out for? Let's go to the counter to pay. ", Kuresawa voice leads Miyano out of his thoughts. Miyano follows him to the counter, he passed by some shelves hanging with lots of cute mini keychains. He stopped and stares at those keychains. Kuresawa noticed that Miyano was left behind and went back to him.

"What are you looking at?Oh-keychains?"


"Do you want to buy one for yourself? Or maybe gift it to someone you want.",Kuresawa asked. Since Miyano took his time to accompany him to pick mangas, might as well let Miyano to buy something too.

"Gift it to someone-?Hmm..alright"

Miyano look thoroughly at the shelves full of keychains.'Which one do I choose?' His eyes went bright when he lay his eyes on a mini yellow and brownish bear keychain. The bear reminds him of someone. He take the bear keychain. He wanted to gift it to that person that this bear reminds him of.Then, he chooses a mini pink cat with a few stripes on it's body.'This one looks cute, I will keep it for myself.'

"I'm done,thanks for waiting. Let's go."

"No problem."

The sky soon turned dark and cloudy, it is about to rain. Sasaki looks out to his window in his room. He stares at the grey sky.

'It's going to rain. Will Miyano be alright?', Sasaki worries for him.

Miyano just called and told him that he will be at his house soon. He wanted to give him something. 'What is it that he wanted to give me?', Sasaki didn't act like it but he's happy to see Miyano again.

'He's here', Sasaki look outside from the window and saw Miyano standing in the heavy rain outside of his house waving to him.

"Thanks for letting me in, Sasaki.", Miyano in drenched clothes came into Sasaki's house. Sasaki's family went out for some matters. He was the only one in the house at the moment.

"Mya chan..your all wet. What if you get a cold from the rain? Here, let me find a shirt for you to change. ",Sasaki worries for him and went to get his shirt for Miyano to change. Miyano couldn't have a chance to say no.'He's worried for me..', Miyano thought.

While finding a shirt for Miyano, Sasaki keeps thinking how guilty he is. 'Because of me, Miyano went through that rain just for me..he could have went back home first but he still decided to meet me'. He sighed, he took a shirt out and went back to Miyano.

"Here,change into this. I don't want you to get sick. ", Sasaki hands Miyano a shirt.

"Thank you, Sasaki. Um but first..can I give you the thing I told you earlier? ", Miyano couldn't help but wanted the person in front of him to receive the keychain as soon as possible.

"Alright then.", Sasaki sits on his bed and prepare to take whatever Miyano was gonna offer.

"Close your eyes? It's a surprise! "

Sasaki proceeds to close his eyes just like how Miyano wanted.'A surprise? How cute of you Mya chan..', he think in his mind when all he could see now is pitch black.

"Alright, raise out your hand."

Sasaki did as he said. Then, he could feel something soft has been put on his palm. Sasaki open his eyes and sees the mini bear keychain in his hand. He was quite stunned, staring at the cute lil bear.

"What do you think? It reminds me of you. Ah, look. I got myself a pink cat keychain too.", Miyano smiles and shows his cat keychain. He was happy that Sasaki finally received the gift even know he's still drenched in his wet clothes. 'Mya are indeed very cute. Thank you', Sasaki says in his mind.

"It's cute! Thank you Mya chan. I will hang it on my bag. ", Sasaki thank him gratefully for the wonderful gift. Miyano looked relieved that Sasaki had happily accepted his gift. Sasaki suddenly remember something.

"Mya chan. Go change now. I don't want you to get sick.", Sasaki stands up and opens the bathroom door for Miyano. He doesn't want this person who is precious to him to get ill.

"Alright! Thank you Sasaki."


There will be a continuation for this! I wanted to write what happens after Miyano wears Sasaki's shirt. Hmm🌚

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