「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘰𝘯𝘦

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❤︎ ━━━━━━━━━


tokyo, japan

the next morning when minho had woken up, he was a little nervous.
he knew he shouldn't be doing this, this stuff didn't belong to him, when he first noticed that the items that the bag pertained weren't his, he should have just zipped it closed and left well enough alone.
but his curiousity got the better of him.

he sighed as opened his closet trying to find an outfit to wear.
he finally settled on a short sleeved white button down shirt and a pair of plain, baby blue shorts.

before he left his room, he made sure to grab the bag, and put the letter and flash drive in the pocket of his shorts.

whwn he finally left his room, he noticed his grandmother in the kitchen, cutting fruit into little cubes.
are you sure you should be up and moving around?
minho inquired with a worried tone.
i'll be fine, minho.
the elderly woman reassured with a fond laugh whilst minho put on the same pair of shoes he had worn yesterday.
you should be worried about yourself, you're being so overworked.
the woman complained.
anyway, have a good day!
she exclaimed as minho shut the door behind him.

━━━━━━━━━ ❤︎ ━━━━━━━━━

minho arrived at the small restaurant next door at the same time he does everyday, sitting down at his usual seat and bar, waiting for sasaki to finish up with the other customers.

once done, she waltzed towards him with a big smile that minho returned with the same amount of energy.
the usual i assume?
ms. sasaki asks rhetorically.
minho hummed, looking up at the menu,
actually, i'd like to try the " egg over
rice ".
minho replied with a smile.

sasaki was slightly taken aback by minho's response, but honored his request no less.
all right then, i'll be back!
she exclaimed, heading back into the kitchen.

while waiting for his food, minho's boredom got to him and he began spinning in his stool until he started to get dizzy, giving ms. sasaki enough time to return with his food.
here you go, lino!
ms. sasaki exclaimed full of enthusiasm.
thank you.
minho replied with a bright smile.

he began eating his meal, trying to finish as quickly as he could after receiving a text from aeri, stating that she had just arrived at work.

however, he still had to wait for the handsome mystery man to show up and retrieve his bag.
he knew the man would.

spinning in his chair once he heard the familiar sound of the restaurant door jingle, his face brightened.
the handsome man was standing in the doorway, holding a bag identical to the one minho was holding, and once his eyes landed on minho, a relieved smile creeping on his face.

he waltzed towards minho until he was standing right in front if the shorter male, bowing at him once he stopped, minho returning the action.

i think our bags got switched up.
the tall male stated with an embarrassed chuckle follwing behind his words, making minho smile.
yep, i noticed.
minho replied, his smile getting bigger.
the two males shared an awkward laugh before finally switching bags.
thank you.
the taller male said with a smile, which minho returned.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now