Dude! Let Me In! I'm a Fairy!

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Jeff stared at it.

It stared back.

Jeff stared at it.

It stared back.

Jeff stared at it with his lidless, creepy as hell, burned open eyes.

It stared back with it's bugged out, glowing, red eyes from where it perched, which just so happened to be right on the handle of the cupboard that held Jeff, the fucking killer's favourite cereal. So innocently, flapping it's patterned wings, and twitching its fluffy, hideous antenna like it was Toby or something.

The killer just stared.

And it stared back.

"(Name)! Get your fucking bug away from the food!" He finally commanded, waving his hand at the creature, trying to frighten it away. That was what made it so terrifying, this giant, fuzzy moth, aside from being a giant, fuzzy moth: the fact that It seemed to have human intelligence.

And it was way to early in the morning to be dealing with this bullshit.

"Just hit it with the stupid flyswatter, Jeff and get it over with." BEN droned from the table. Jeff probably hadn't realized it, but He'd been staring at the butterfly reject for the past ten minutes, and, quite frankly, the blond pasta was getting tired of it, fast.

"What?! And have (Name) skin my fabulous hide alive?! No fucking thank you!"

"Suit yourself, wimp."

Toby on the other hand, sat calmly, ticking every minute or so, shoving forkfuls of waffles and maple syrup - all Canadian, bitches - into his mouth. He didn't really care if Jeff got his oh-so-important cereal or not. He just wanted nothing to do with this situation.

Slender had recently introduced a new Proxy, and, while the brunette had to admit he was more than just a little jealous, she made some damn good waffles, and was tough as nails - maybe tougher - in a fight. The pros out weighed the cons. And just one of these pros was waking up every morning to find Jeff having a staring contest with the new Proxy's pet moth.

As long as Toby steered clear of bad mouthing the thing, or hurting it in any way, he wouldn't have to worry about a swarm of locusts waiting for him in his bedroom, or being stuck in a giant spiders web. (He hadn't even known such a thing was in the basement until (Name) came along, and Masky called her weird for liking bugs.

And everyone woke up in the middle of the night to screaming and crying from the basement, where everyone was very surprised to find Masky hanging form a spider's web, with (Name) standing cheerfully nearby.)

But what do you know, there it was.

"Fucking moth... why don't you just move already."

"Because he likes Reese's puffs to, Jeff, now step aside." Speak of the devil, there was the new proxy, yawning her way into the room. "Here boy." She cooed to the moth she so affectionately called 'Charles'. And it fluttered right over to her, and perched on her shoulder. "And you know, while your rooting around for food, grab the cheese spray."

"And why the fuck would I do that?!"

"Because I just saved your precious cereal's ass. Now toss it over here."

Jeff rolled his eyes - as best he could, and threw the orange can at the proxy, who shook it up. "Thank you~"

And then aimed it at the very one who tossed it to her. "Yo, Jeff!"

He foolishly turned around, and earned a face full of propelled, artificial cheese. It got in his mouth, up his nose, and into his un-closable, highly sensitive eyes. And served as an unholy reminder that at heart, we are all little girls, As he let out an ear-piercing, brain-scrambling shriek, that sent everybody scattering off in different directions.

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