the stair well to hell

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With her eyes opening and her sight adjusting, she could tell that she wasn't home. She could tell she wasn't safe.
All of them 2 minutes that she had been conscious For had led her to remember nothing but one thing. Its was a word: ocean.
She knew not what it meant nor what to do with it and whilst in the midst of trying to remember, she began noticing her surroundings in hopes of fabricatoring some sort of idea of where she was. All that she could notice was that she was on the top floor of a stairwell that seemed to be made out of low quantities metal with layers of rust unevenly coating the surface of every surface she gazed upon. Above her hung a filliment bulb that shon dim unnatural light onto the corroded walls making them appear as if they were made of the skin of Corpses and upon further inspection of the walls she had relised that thin trails of blood had been hidden by the rust some of which were still trailing. Her heart sank as she came to the realisation that she was no longer safe set in. She saw that the only way she could go was down the stairwell. With each step she took, she could feel the fabric of her clothes get tighter and tigher as the bellowing echo of the metal steps sprung of the hellish walls. Her anxiety began to grow within As she descending she counted each step in order to gain some understanding of her new environment and once she reached the 104th step about 8 flights of stairs 13 steps each she froze. Above her she could hear the signature ring of a blade being poorly sharpened on metal. Once she had noticed that the only metal that could be used for such a task was the handrail accompanying the stairs on its left side, her anxiety turned to unliementing fear as she slowly upturned her head to look up the stair she had just travel and at the top she had caught a glimpse of an unusually large meat cleaver in the demonic grip of an undefined siluet that took a inhuman volume of space, within the siluet lay a set of eyes with misshapen irises and pinpoint pupils that reciprocated her staring right back at her. In the 10 seconds of this distant interaction with the unknown entity, it moved out of her sight in away that made it look as if it had stood up from a bent position from the railing. The instant it vanished from her sight, she heard the clanking echo of the metal steps above her with each clank happening at an incredibly fast pace. Without a doubt this entity was running. She began sprinting down the stairs and thrown away her previous objective of counting each step. She sped down each flight periodically catching the clank of each clank the entity made, and with each echo, they got closer and louder. The entity was getting closer to her. As she flew down each flight she hoped for an escape and after 6 minutes of traversing this god forbidden stair well she reached a pair of worn out exit doors and rammed the bar of the doors in hope of opening them with her tiny frame. As she sped out the door, she slammed it and brased her body up against it in order to prevent the tailing entity from following her any further.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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