Betrayal ~ part 2

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* Takeda's boss office *

"Fuck you Bang Chan, you didn't have to go straight for the head-shots. I liked those boys." the boss complained while watching the cameras places all around the base seeing Chan clearing up his way easily, determined to save Y/N. "Go and get him to his beloved Y/N before I decide to send my best men there." boss said to the tight-hand man

"Yes boss." he bowed and motioned to couple of armed men to follow him out of the office while the boss stood up and walked up to the library. Pulling one of the books the library moved and revealed secret door which the boss entered.

"Enough of shooting don't you think?" the tight-hand man spoke to Chan as soon as he faced him in the hallway

"Where is Y/N?" Chan asked still aiming, being ready to shot all the people present there

"Calm down I'll take you to her. Would you mind to follow me please?" he said with calm voice

Chan placed his gun back to it's cover in his belt, staying alerted since he didn't trust anyone. They walked down the stairs into basement area. They unlocked thick iron door and opened them wide. Chan was presented the view that hit him right in his heart. He felt weak. He wanted to cry. He saw you sitting on a chair, tied up. Blood on clothes. Head bowed down. The right-hand man walked up to you and lifted up your head. Your face carried signs of violence. He could see the bandaged shoulder visibly freshly treated.

"Now leave your guns here and she's free to leave with you." right-hand man said to Chan

Even tho Chan didn't trusted any words they've said he gave the man that stood next to him all the guns and knives he was carrying with him. Your live was the most important to him now. "There. She's free to go." Chan said

Right-hand man smirked, ordered his men to untie you and Chan grabbed you helping you to stand up. "She's of course free to go but ... you better be faster." he said, took out his gun and as you've been walking out with Chan's help shot you in your back twice and once in your shoulder. You screamed in the pain and looked down on your stomach seeing the blood on your shirt as it was a clean shot.

"Ch-Chan?" you've looked at him having blood from your abdomen all over your hand

"Shit!" Chan cursed and held you in his arms running away from the house

Chan got you onto the car and called his men to give him the closest hospital near his location. Your wounds were bleeding and you were loosing your consciousness. You overcame this feeling to speak to Chan.

"You really came to save me." you've said being almost unable to talk.

"Of course I did baby. And I'll make them pay for doing this to you later. But now we gotta save you. Hang in there " Chan said to you holding your hand while driving with his other hand.

"You know, you're all I ever wanted." you spoke trough the pain

"Baby .... honey, save your energy okay? You're my everything as well and I love you. So stay with me." Chan tried to persuade you focus on staying awake

"You love me but no matter what you say there's only one of two ways that this is gonna end." you shuttered "With my father around someone dies or someone gets hurt.. and you're not willing to quit.. " your eyes got filled up with tears

"Y/N for fuck sake. This is not the right time for this." Chan's raised his voice a little

"Chan listen, But if one of us dies, I hope I die first .." you broke into tears that came out from the pain but at the same time because of what you've tried to say ".. I don't wanna live without you, I don't wanna ever learn how to fall asleep without you. Tell me what's worse? Losing you now or later?" you've tried to catch the breath

"Y/N .. baby. You're not losing me. I promise. But you need to stay with me please." Chan's voice broke and a couple of tears rolled down his face

"I can be in love with you and be loved by you forever ... if I die first." you've said before your head fell down

Chan not being able to hear your voice anymore looked at you being in tears.

"Y/N?? Y/N!! Y/N TALK TO ME PLEASE!" he spoke trough the tears

Betrayal ~ Epilogue ~ Bang Chan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now