First Meet 😼

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"Ohm son thank you so much for accepting my request I know you are doing this because of your mother I know I am being a burden to you but only you can change my son" Mrs. Lin said pleading Ohm they both are sitting in expensive car which is parked outside the Kirdapan's Mansion.

"That's ok ma'am my mother wish is my command and thanks to you too for helping us when we really needed I promise I will make your Son a well disciplined person" Ohm said with straight face and deep voice.

"Don't call me ma'am son call me aunty ok now we are going inside I already shift your all luggage on your new room which is front my son room it will be easy for you to communicate with him" she said smiling and they both soon reached towards the main door servants open the door for them they both entered.

"Korn where are you come out I want to introduce you with someone" Mrs. Lin said loudly so her husband can hear her who is sitting in balcony enjoying his tea while reading newspaper.

"Don't shout honey I am not deaf well who is this angry young man with you" Mr. Korn said while coming towards them and start to check out Ohm from head to toe who is standing straight with no expressions and got impressed by his well defined muscular body.

"He is Ohm a Military Officer from now on he will teach your Son some manners" she said folding her hands up to her chest while glaring at her husband who is avoiding her gaze while gulping.
"Of course you made a good decision honey I am with you he really need to learn some manners" Mr. Korn said with serious voice and walked away to inform his Son.

"Ohm now you need to go to his college I already arranged a teacher job for you. He always bully his teachers and students so you need to teach him a lesson"she said commanding him.

"So from now on your Son is my responsibility I want every right on him no one will interfere" he said with straight face pull out his hand for a handshake.

"Which Son I don't have any Son you can do whatever you want to do I don't mind" she said with evil grin while joining her hands with him. Feeling very happy to sold her Son to devil.


Students are gathering in their college cafeteria to watch daily drama they know who is behind all of this non other than Nanon korapat kirdapan Son of owner of this college hot and handsome rich spoiled brat again bullying a student.

"NANON KORAPAT KIRDAPAN LEAVE THAT BOY" yelled a teacher who is passing by but stopped when he see Nanon is grabbing a boy student collar going to slap him.
"How dare you to yell at me THE NANON KORAPAT KIRDAPAN huh! Stay away from my matters otherwise I will kick you out of the College got it now FUCK OFF" he snapped at his teacher angrily by seeing his blood shot eyes glaring at him sending draggers he gulped in fear and leave from there.

"Now you bloody moron how dare you to disobey my order huh! I said I want to eat burger not sandwich but you started an argument with me have you forgotten who the hell I am" he said angrily while grabbing his collar tightly.
"Sorry Nanon but first you said you want to eat sandwich I was standing in line for hours to get it but when I gave you that you said now you don't wanna eat it you want burger now" the boy said crying while shaking in fear.
"So it doesn't mean you will start a argument with him huh ! You even dare to show your anger to him" Jimmy said sarcastically while glaring at the boy.
"Look guys from now on he is our officially personal slave anyone can use him for free now give him a around of a applause everyone" Nanon said with evil smirk everyone started to clapping loudly because some students are good but some are on Nanon team.

"What are doing Nanon leave that boy Dad send you a message hurry up and check it" Milk his big sister everyone in college fear her and Nanon whole gang.
"Ok Phi Milk one last time I want to give him a reminder to not disobey my orders again" he said with smirk and started to raise his hand to slap him but got stopped when from behind someone hold his wrist tightly.

"How dare you " Nanon said pissed and turned towards who hold his wrist. And got shocked to see a tall muscular men with slight tan skin glaring at him with his fierce eyes.
"You can't hit anybody as you please go to your class"Ohm said gripping his wrist tightly everyone one is got shocked to see first time someone dare to stop Nanon.

"Who the hell are you leave my hand you bastard" he said annoyed trying to free himself from his tight grip.
"Mind your language I am older than you and I am your new class teacher got it" Ohm said in cold voice he pulled Nanon towards him now they are only inch apart from each other staring at each other eyes.

"EVERYONE MOVE TO YOUR CLASSES MOVE RIGHT NOW" Ohm yelled at them while glaring at them with blood shot eyes. By seeing their new teacher dangerous aura they all silently move towards their respective classes.
"YOU TOO" he snapped at Milk and Jimmy but they still standing there for Nanon.

"Leave us alone you both can go I have some business with him" Nanon said to them he can't let Ohm go easily.
"But Nanon how ca-" they both said in unison but got cut off by Nanon.
"It's ok I fine" he said assuring them still trying to free his wrist from Ohm.
They both leave them alone in cafeteria.

"Who the hell are you huh! Who give the right to interfere in my matters" he said trying to push him away but he didn't budge.
"It doesn't matter now from now on I will teach you how to respect others" he said with cold voice and angry face.
"Challenge accepted from now on I will make your life hell" Nanon said with cold voice and angry face.
"Deal now attend your classes" he said started to drag him towards his class.
"LEAVE MY HAND YOU BASTARD YOU ARE HURTING ME" Nanon hissed in pain his wrist is hurting very badly he trying to free himself but the more he try the more grip tighten.
"ARE YOU DEAF OR WHAT IT'S PAINING LEAVE ME YOU PSYCHO" he started to hit Ohm arm with his other hand to free himself.
"You need to learn a lesson" he again tighten his grip on his wrist leaving red mark and dragged him towards his class furiously.

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