My Message

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It was the day of Momo's birthday, the day after Valentines. Everyone on that day decided to go out to either buy presents for their loved ones or for Momo, so they did. Of course, they offered this to everyone to come, but only one person refused; Kido.

The cold, harsh, and blunt leader of The Blindfold Gang (Mekakushi Dan), Kido Tsubomi. No one thought that she was one of those girly types of teenagers, and she wasn't. Out of all the girls, and perhaps the boy as well, she was probably the most manliest out of them all.

Unlike most girls at her age, she wasn't seeking romance, wearing make up, fancying over boy bands or anything else that most would do. She was simply Kido, the one girl who was most serious and dull than ever.

Even after she declined, they asked again and begged her to come with them, but she still didn't want to. It was hesitant, but the gang took their leave and said they'd be back by dinner.

It's true that Kido wasn't an attention seeker, but just a few minutes after their leave, she felt a bit lonely. She felt as if she was disappearing again, like what she fear before. She was always around someone she knew well, and was never lonely, but now she wondered if she maybe should have went with them instead.

Though as usual, she'd ignore this feeling, telling herself it was just a mistake, perhaps from lack of sleep or the upcoming heat mirages. To try to push away he thoughts, she'd listen to hear own music, separating herself from reality and fantasy so her mind was blank.

But all of a sudden, Kido got a random message on her phone, interrupting her music. Now, she was never the type to even look try message. In fact, she's probably just throw it out right away without hesitating. But this message was different.

'Are you lonely?' The message asked.

The number was unknown, and the same went for the sender. No one knew Kido's phone number accept for her gang, she never got outside or socialized with anyone else at all so it made her a bit suspicious of who this person was.

Unable to hold back her curiosity, she responded as she probably always would.

'Who are you.'

It was a short sentence, but she wasn't trying to ask a question. Like usual, she was demanding an answer, and not asking for one. Not expecting any response for a while, or perhaps at all, she resumed listening to her music. But then it came again, the ring.

'Would it really matter if I said~?' The message asked, seeming to be in a cheerful manner.

Honestly, to Kido, it didn't matter at all, but everyone had to be curious at some point in their life. Instead of asking the mysterious person's question, she demanded another question.

'How do you know me.'

This time, she simply wait a few seconds before she got yet again, a message from the same person.

'Ive known you for quite a long time actually.'

So then it was someone she knew... Faces went through her head; Ene, Shintaro, Mary, Seto, Kano, Momo, Konoha, Hibiya, Hiyori.... It could be any one of them. No... It WAS one of them. Just as said before, no one else knew her number, or even knew her in general.

'No one is around me at the moment. I'm guessing you know that. What makes you think I feel lonely?' Kido typed into the phone, now putting a question mark instead of always having exclamation marks.

'Just as I said,' The message this time almost immediately responded back, 'I've known you for a very long time.'

A very long time then.... That would narrow down the choices to her very close two childhood friends who she grew up with at the orphanage; Kano and Seto. Or was it really one of them?

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