ㅡjinjoo/jangchae p.1ㅡ

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hi. I prefer you to read in very small size of font. just suggesting ;)

The group was having their comeback. It's their second comeback already and today was their six day of promoting their comeback.

"Happy birthday once again Wonyoung-ssi and Yujin-ssi." the host wishing the two again after the camera stopped recording.

Yes. It's Wonyoung birthday and tomorrow is Yujin's birthday so they celebrating their birthday on the same time.

The scene surely make the two girls remembering their memories back then. When they celebrating their birthday on the same day and even with their former members, their beloved fans. It was their concert. They celebrated it on the stage. The celebration that they will never forget and the day where was them being the most happy person.

Where they were getting a present that were the most best in their life. The love of their life.

"Thank you so much. It's nice to work with you too." Yujin said and bowed at the host and Wonyoung who was next to her also doing the same.

"Thank you for your hardworking!" the others member also bowing at the staffs.

The staffs also bowing at them. After that they quickly went to their waiting room.

"Yujin-ah. She called you earlier." her manager told her as she just finished changing her clothes.

"Oh. Really?" she then took her phone from her manager and quickly tapping the number.

At the other side, Wonyoung was just finished changing her clothes with pouted.

"What's with that face birthday girl?" Gaeul who was sitting with phone in her hands. She already changed her clothes too.

"Nothing." Wonyoung murmured. She let her body fall next to Gaeul made the older pinched her pout.

"It's not nothing. Tell me." Gaeul said made the younger looked at her in teary eyes.

"Aigooo. There there. Just let it out hm?" Gaeul quickly hugged her as she also snuggled herself in her unnie neck letting out her tears.

Liz and Rei who were just finished changing their clothes also went there.

"Eo? What's wrong Nyoungiee?" Gaeul just shaked her head at the two. The two just nodding.

"Unnie-deull let's go." Leeseo who was still with her energetic body popped out of nowhere.

"Arasso Hyunseo." Liz and Rei then quickly went outside the room leaving the two who were still hugging.

"Wonyo-ah. Let's go back to the dorm first. We will have a talk after your birthday live okay?" Wonyoung just nodded her head sniffing.

They then went out from the room.

"Yujin unnie~" Leeseo with her bag bugging the girl who was with smile plastered on her face.

"What's with your smile? It's creepy of you mom." Leeseo looked at Yujin who was still smiling like an idiot.

"Aniyoo Hyunseo-ah." the older patted the younger head.

"Let's go." Yujin pulled the younger inside their car and they waiting for Gaeul to come.

They have their own car arranged already. Yujin, Gaeul and Leeseo. And the 04-linez in one car together.

After few minutes waiting suddenly Liz went inside their car confusing the two girls.

"Eh?" the two of them said in unison make Liz looked at them.

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