Author's Note

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Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!

It was such a long journey so far and I can't believe I'm done with this book for good, all thanks to Asuu because if not because of them, I don't think I will complete this book by now. I've alot to write in this book but I just decide to make it short and precise. I started writing this book around March 25th 2022 and I end it Today on 31st August 2022, Alhamdulillah all thanks to Allah.

While writing this book I planned on killing Nawal soo many times, like my mind keep pushing me to just killed her but I don't think it will be fair on her after what she sacrificed.

She should at least be given a chance to live a life she want, if not because of that I would have killed her long time ago. Infact while I was writing the epilogue I was just battling with my mind, I had to keep writing the epilogue and take some fresh air before I continue writing because my mind keeps telling me to just kill her but at the end I didn't.

When I started writing His Heart Beat For Her, I've no idea of writing the second book but this particular book has been in my draft for a very long time staring at me. It was after I'm almost done with His Heart Beat For Her, that's when an idea popped up into my brain and I decide to write the second book. Which is a story of Hoorain, Nawal and Faruk. .

Right now as I'm typing this I've another draft that is glaring at me titled Thorns Of Love asking me to write the third book which is going to be Alyans and Fadeela's story but I don't think I will do that. This particular book has been in my draft even before I start writing The Secret We Keep Hidden and If Only She Knew, I was suppose to write it first but I just didn't get the zeal to do that.

It's like I was forced by IOSK and TSWKH that's why I abandoned TOL for them.

To be frank I have zero draft for TOL, I only have the story description but I don't know what will happen in the book, infact I can change the entire plot if my mind comes with another idea. I don't think I will start writing another book any time soon. I will just focused on finishing Mending His Heart since Asuu has called of strike before I packed my kaya and leave and from then I will take a very long break from wattpad.

Maybe I will come back next year 2023 if Allah wills and if I'm alive because right now I'm going to focus on something else apart from writing, plus I've to start preparing for my pending exams but before I said my final goodbye let's go and finished Mending His Heart.

A big thank you for everyone that give this book a chance, recommend it to a friend or give his or her sincere review. Thank you soo much jazakhallahu khairan. May Allah (swa) guide us in any step we want to take in our lives.

   With Love Aeesha_Ahmad❤.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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