The Jealousy

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Michael shook his head, watching his bodyguards bustle around with huge shopping bags full of groceries. They looked like they were preparing for a siege, not just a quiet weekend.

"Got a question for you, boss?" Bill murmured, adjusting the bundles of plastic bags in his grip.

Michael glanced over at Bill, the head of his security team, who was like an older brother to him. Michael trusted Bill's judgment completely, but his serious expression suggested a question brewing. "Of course. What is it?"

Bill frowned slightly. "Just wondering... how are you gonna eat all of this food? Just look at all these grocery bags," he said, nodding to another bodyguard nearby, who was laden with several large bags of snacks. "Looks like you've stocked up enough to feed an army for a month."

Michael rolled his eyes and glanced over at Belle, who had taken hold of his other hand while she delightedly licked her ice cream. She was like a kid, and the way she smeared ice cream on her nose made her look absolutely adorable.

Michael smiled softly at his girlfriend. "I can't do anything about it, Bill," he sighed, then offered a grin. "It's my Madam Baby's orders!" he quipped, chuckling lightly.

Bill laughed along, shaking his head in amusement. "Oh, I see... Stocking up for the ice cream queen, huh?" His eyes sparkled with delight.

"Hey!" Belle playfully stuck out her tongue at Bill, then returned to her ice cream with a satisfied hum.

Michael only shrugged in response before turning back to the waiting fans and giving a wave. As he did, he instinctively tightened his grasp on Belle's hand, noticing some paparazzi lurking near the mall exit.

Belle noticed his sudden seriousness and turned to him, her expression puzzled. "What's up, love?" she asked innocently, completely forgetting the ice cream dripping down her hand.

Michael chuckled as he wiped away the melted ice cream from her fingers. "I just want you closer, that's all," he whispered, pressing his chin into the crown of her head. "There are people taking pictures of us... and you know how they get," he added, planting a soft kiss on her hair before letting go.

Belle blinked up at him, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. "Oh," she replied softly, snuggling closer to him. Then, with a mischievous grin, she gobbled down the rest of her ice cream and looked up at him like a kid showing off a completed task. "I'm done!"

Michael laughed affectionately. "Such a baby..." he murmured, ruffling her hair.

Just as they were about to step out of the building, a throng of reporters and photographers swarmed them. Flashes went off like a strobe light, and the shouts of questions began, rapid-fire and ridiculous.

"Belle! Belle! Are the rumors true? Are you pregnant?"

"Michael! Michael! Are you the father of Belle's baby?"

"Belle! Belle! Is it true you're carrying a child? Can you confirm the father?"

Michael felt his jaw clench with frustration as the questions grew even more absurd.

"Michael! Michael! Are you the father, or is there someone else in Belle's life?"

"Belle! Belle! Has there been a secret affair? Is Michael the dad?"

"Michael! Michael! Is it true you've been hiding a pregnancy all this time?"

Michael's patience snapped. His protective instincts flared up, and he roared, "SHE'S MINE!"

The outburst was so unexpected that everyone froze, jaws dropping in shock. Even Belle was taken aback, blinking up at Michael as he glared at the reporters.

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