Of Water and Silver

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There she lay on her death bed surrounded by her daughters. She had watched them grow up, become women, and watch as they got married. Now they stand next to her in her final moments. This woman was none other than Ruby Rose. A life time ago she was a different person but then she woke up on that plane with chains tattooed on her wrists. However Ruby was not angry nor was she sad, she had lived a full life and she was happy with that. If she was sent back in time she wouldn't change a thing.

So there she lay, breath slowing as her body finally succumb to age like all things do. This would be her last memory, surrounded by her children. They may not had been her daughters by blood, but to Ruby they were her children no matter what. She was a proud mother and fighter and her daughters were sure going to pass her story on, no matter how many times she told the it was of no importance. Her silver eyes dulled as she closed them for the final time.

Something was different she felt like she was younger and had more energy. This must have been the afterlife to be honest Ruby was most surprised by the fact it existed. Then she opened her eyes expecting to see a white void or the gates of heaven or hell but not this. As she opened her eyes she saw a place she hadn't seen in decades.

It was her dorm room. The more she looked at it the angrier she became. It happened again, life had taken what was hers, first it was her chance at being a huntress, then it was her free will, now it took an entire life she had crafted for herself. She was ready to leave the mortal plane in her lifetime she had seen many things not all good and she was ready to die but life snatched that away from her too, like some thief in the night.

She looked to her wrists seeing the chains tattooed on her wrists further confirming that her life was real and not some dream. Looking around the room she saw her teammates, who she thought she would never see again, still asleep. The next thing she noticed was that the beds were a major safety hazard something she had learned to spot after looking out for her daughters, they were always up to some kind of mischief. It would be an understatement to say she would miss them.

She slid off the bed and then closed her eyes to try something. Upon opening her eyes Ruby glanced at her tattooed wrist to see that the veins were glowing a vibrant blue further proof that what she had lived was real. Ruby then went through her morning routine and got dressed in the beacon uniform. It was odd for Ruby, for her it had to have been at least 60 years since she wore this uniform. Now all that was left was to wait for teammates to wake up.

When Yang woke up she was still half asleep so she had yet to notice her sister Ruby laying on the floor staring a hole in the ceiling. After she got ready Weiss and Blake had also finished and we're now just looking at Ruby who hadn't taken her eyes off the ceiling. Then her sister spoke.

"It's about time you finish."

Now the three were somewhat surprised. Ruby's voice wasn't like it normally was, it was cold and gave off the tone that she was wiser beyond her years. Yang instantly knew something was wrong. How good of a sister would she be if she didn't.

"Ruby are you ok?" Yang asked

"Yes I've just been in deep thought about something" Ruby answered

Her answer seemed to be enough for Weiss and Blake but not for Yang. It would have been enough if Yang hadn't seen her eyes. Ruby's eyes were filled with a deep seething rage, an all consuming anger directed at the very world itself. Yang had seen eyes full of anger before mostly from pictures of herself, but it was never this bad. The look in those cold sliver eyes was the look of someone who wanted the world to burn and could make it happen but had enough restraint not too.

"Well alright let's get going before we're late" Yang said as she decided against prying. If Ruby wanted to talk about it she would. Though she was worried that her sister would bottle up her anger until it exploded with one big YANG!

A wave of rage swept over the planet of Remnant in the early hours of the morning. the Grimm started to stir from the sudden wave of negative emotion a wave so strong it even alerted her. In all her time in her eternal life very few things had ever caught her interest however this sudden wave of rage and malice had. It wasn't hate towards a group or person but reality itself. Even, herself, the great witch Salem wanted to rule Remnant not destroy it.

A twisted smile formed on the immoral witch's face. If she could find this person they would be a great asset especially if she could resculpt this rage for her purposes. However it did leave some questions, what caused such malice? There was no build up it just appeared as if it was conjured out of thin air. Such questions weren't important right now Salem had to find the source and take it for herself.

Ruby thought back to her previous years. A man had once said something to her she never understood what it meant until now. Ruby Rose would not obey fate, she would choose and her choice was to defy reality until she could erase it.

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