The Beginning

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Tears splattered onto the wooden floor as I sat devastated looking at the blood coated walls of my family members. Our poor mother died begging for him to spare me and my brother's lives. And now, I've been turned into a demon and yet my heart still aches from their motionless bodies and I feel as if I have been sitting here for hours on end. The only thing my mouth and stomach were fixated on was devouring them, ripping them off limb by limb. Just thinking about it made the drool drip off my chin along with the tears.
I felt paralyzed, I've been in the same spot ever since he left my family for dead.
Suddenly I heard a soft cough, my head quickly turned to look up from the puddle of tears below me. My brother was looking at me, barely grasping onto life.
"K-Kaida..." He gasped for air, before passing out.
I slowly scurried across the floor in a panic, the urge that I have to eat my own brother sickened me. I don't know how fast I would be able to get him to the nearest doctor in a village, not to mention he was way taller than me and weighed more as well.
I picked up my elder brother, throwing him over my back as his legs still dragged on the musty floor.
I ran outside into the pouring rain, fainting the scent of the tempting smell of blood as I ran towards the vague lights in the village. My vision became blurry as the water got in my eyes but I still ran full speed ahead.
My mouth still watered, and I could barely control myself, I looked at his bloody arm, hanging over my shoulder.
Quickly I took my hand and bit into it, as blood splattered in my mouth but it satisfied my urge for a bit.
The lights of the village were clear, it was only a bit in front of me now. For some reason, a bad feeling tingles throughout my body, almost as if I was being followed. I glared at the trees to the side of me, barely able to see three feet in front of me due to the downpour of the rain. I couldn't see anything into the shadows of the night.
I finally reached the entrance to the village, as I watched people have smiles on their faces as they enjoyed their night, it must be dinner time by now. Time went by fast, I didn't realize that I had been paralyzed in the same spot for hours when I was traumatised.
What would they think if a demon entered their village with a near dead body on their back? They would probably think I did it... But what if they didn't know I was a demon?
I had just remembered my brother had a scarf around his neck, I gently grabbed it off his body, realizing my nails have changed to become a little longer, and sharper.
I quickly tied the scarf around my mouth, it layered one... two... three... four times.
Running into the village, everyone had a different design on their umbrellas. I tried to find the doctor, they would usually have a medic sign over their home. I turned left into an alleyway and jumped the fence in one jump. My physical skills must be improving ever since I've been turned into a demon.
Landing, I looked up and saw it right in front of me. They were closed, but their lights were on upstairs as I saw them through their windows.
I launched myself up onto the side of their house, as my feet impacted the wall cracking it a bit. My body could barely hold this stance, especially with him on my back, it felt like he was about to slide off. I was clinging on like a spider, I quickly slid their window open and dove inside.
The woman screamed in shock as me and my brother laid bleeding on her floor.
I sat up and got onto my knees, in a begging position.
"P-Please, help my brother." My words were barely understandable through the scarf.
The woman stood there in shock, looking at my dying brother almost in disgust.
"We're closed." Her words were slurred, and I could smell the alcohol coming from her breath.
I looked up at her, she could barely stand still.
"If you don't have any money to pay me, your brother will die." She cackled.
The bad feeling I had earlier had suddenly come back to me.
The window.
I quickly got up and turned behind me to stare at the open window, guarding my brother and the drunken woman.
We waited in silence,
"What do you think you're do-"
Someone came crashing in from the window, glass pieces pierced my skin as I protected my face.
The dust clouded our vision for a few seconds, but I could see his huge shadow-y figure.
"I followed that lovely scent here even though it was hard to track you throughout the pouring rain. But now that I'm here, I can tell it was worth it." A raspy mumbling voice came from the tall figure.
He must be at least six-foot five or around there...
The dust finally settled, his skin as pale as a vampire and long silky hair that covered his eyes so I could only see his wicked smile as he licked his lips.
His clothes were baggy and dirty with bits of blood stains all over him. He reeked of murder.
My gut screamed to run, as I quivered in fear but my mind told me to stay and protect my brother with my life. But what if... it was too late? What if he's already dead? What if I barely make it out alive and he's no longer breathing. I shook my head, I can't be thinking like this. I'll fight for him, I know he's alive!
"Girl, if you save me I'll treat your brother!" The doctor behind me spoke as her words weren't as slurred, but she quivered as much as I did.
The demon laughed, "What are you doing protecting a human? What do you think you could do against me?! Look at you shaking... You can barely st-"
Before he finished his sentence I jumped and landed both of my feet on his stomach, launching him out of the window he had come from.
He thudded to the ground, luckily this was the backside of the house so he fell into the woods.
I looked back at the lady before I took another step.
She had already started treating my brother, but she took a glimpse to look up. She motioned her hand forward as if to tell me, 'go, I'll take care of him!'
I quickly jumped out of the window to where his body was now gone.
Before I could react he came out of the shadows, as he punched my stomach in and I flung into the stone fence wall behind me. The pain was overwhelming and before I could even move he grabbed me by my throat and squeezed down harshly.
"You smell of new blood, you must've turned not even a few hours ago..." He smirked.
I gripped my hands onto the arm he was choking me with, struggling for air.
I used my nails and dug into his skin, he grunted in pain but then laughed.
"Your puniness humors me weakling!" He clenched his hand harder.
The last bits of oxygen I had left felt like it was escaping my grasp. Was this it? Was my story already up when it had just begun?
As soon as it felt as if I had died, I dropped to the floor, gasping for air.
"I told you he was mine!" A voice growled.
I regained focus and saw the two demons fighting each other, and I realised they were fighting over my brother.
I didn't even notice that the tall lanky demon from earlier looked partially wounded. They must've been the presence I felt on the way here but might have been fighting, so they didn't have time to stop me right then.
I breathed hard, getting off my knees.
Now how would I ever beat them to save him? One was hard enough. My heart pounded.
I could wait for them to kill each other but then that'd still leave one that I would have to fight and I'm nothing compared to either of them.
Stepping back, I accidentally knocked over a barrel. I didn't even realize there was stuff next to me. This must be the outback of a weaponist shop of some sort. There were katanas, axes, picks, almost everything.
What caught my eye was there was a long metal chain, pretty rusty but still intact.
I picked it up carefully, but still somehow cut my palm a bit. The new scent of blood quickly overwhelmed me, however because it was only demon blood it wasn't as distracting.
The plan was that I would wait for one of them to win, then quickly pin them against something, tie them and wait for the sun to kill them considering I'm nowhere near strong enough.
I kept as dead still as can be, hoping they had forgotten about me already. They fought for what seemed to be forever, regenerating new limbs, stronger and thicker than what seemed they had before.
It seemed like what seemed to be at least ten minutes in before the tall lanky demon had given up, running away back into the fog of the forest.
This new demon was shorter than the other one, and what seemed to be younger as well and not as frightening. He must be starving if he fought that much just to eat something he's never going to get.
He faced the direction that the other demon had run off to, this was my chance. I quickly jumped up and bulged my knee with all my force into his lower back. He grunted as his body hugged a tree. I swiftly ran towards him, using the rusted chain to wrap his body from his neck down. There was no way he could even budge, he was stuck there until the sun came up.
The rain had finally seized.
"Why?!" He angrily screamed, even though his words were muffled as his head was smudged into the tree.
"Living as a demon isn't easy! We didn't ask to be vicious monsters, hated by humans and even our own kind just to feel the sensation of starving day in and out..."
I could hear the soft cries and almost feel the pain of this demon within my own heart. I know that most demons didn't ask for this to happen to them, I know most of them miss their families. I couldn't stop thinking about my poor mother.
But the feeling that if I let him go, he'd only try to eat my brother. Is it selfish that I'm killing someone who has suffered the loss of their family who is still trying to cope and live on, just to save my own brother?
Tears flooded my vision as I looked down at the dark floor. I quickly made my way back into the doctor's house, whereas my brother was staying.
My appearance from jumping in from the window surprised the elderly woman who was sitting next to my brother.
She chuckled and slammed the bottle of alcohol she had been drinking onto the floor.
"I didn't think you'd actually survive shrimp."
I sat on the opposite side of my brother that the woman had been sitting on.
I didn't think that I was going to survive either, I almost died.
"I didn't think that demons could actually kill other demons." She cackled.
My attention was taken off my brother and onto the old hag. How did she know?! Did she know this whole time? Is she plotting to kill me?
I backed up in fear for a moment.
"Don't worry it's fine, I could tell from your appearance and how you acted, besides how realistic is it that you both were badly wounded and extremely close to death but somehow you already regenerated your fatal injuries?"
She replaced the damp cloth on my brother's head with a new cold one to help with his fever.
"I like ya, considering you haven't tried to eat me yet, BAHAHAHAH!" She laughed loudly.
The old hag got up, staggering over towards me. She placed her dry hands on my chin, pushing my cheeks upwards.
"Definitely a demon, but it would be hard to tell if your pupils weren't slitted."
She sat down next to me and belched. I could smell her breath from across the room, but now the smell of alcohol was more overwhelming even through the scarf over my nose.
"A few years ago, I lived happily with my husband... we tried for months and for some reason I could never get pregnant until I finally did. As soon as the baby was born, my husband died of a heart attack while working. After that I swore that I would try my hardest to keep my daughter, Alison, happy." The old hags' voice began to quiver, and I realized she was wiping her eyes.
She took another sip of the bottle "Gahh!" and then wiped her lips.
"On her fourteenth birthday, our home was broken into by a demon named Rosae and she killed Alison in front of me, and when she was about to eat me as well... the sun came up and she fled into the night like a coward."
We sat in silence for a few seconds before she spoke again.
"Sometimes I wish she had taken me as well. My life is not as worthy anymore."
She looked over at me with her burning red cheeks.
"You remind me a lot of my daughter, caring more of others than you do yourself."
Unexpectedly I heard ruffling in front of us, I turned to look and my brother had moved onto his side to turn away from us.
"It's probably been a long night for you I bet, how about you sleep in the guest bedroom tonight with your brother and in the morning we'll get you clothes and stuff."
I got up and nodded my head.
"But hold on just a minute."
The old hag got up and teetered her way towards my brother and laid him back down on his back. She carefully took off his shirt first, and then his pants, and then his shoes. I quickly looked away confused on what exactly she was doing.
"Fetch me those bandages will ya?"
I looked behind me and there were three rolls of bandages behind me with the pins. I crouched down and picked them up and placed them beside her.
She must be redoing his bandages and putting clean clothes on him. It'd make sense considering he was sitting in his own blood for hours.
I heard the ripping of the bandages as she patched him up.
"C'mon now."
I looked over at her and my brother, I could see the new strands of wrapping over his torso under his new clean nightgown.
"Help me bring him into the guest bedroom."
The doctor carefully picked up his wounded torso as I picked up his legs and we swiftly brought him and put him down on the bed.
He slept so heavily even this didn't wake him up, but neither did the old hag's loud laughter either. I smiled under the scarf.
Now get some sleep, this room doesn't have any windows so I believe you're safe from the sunlight. A grin emerged onto her face.
I couldn't help but thank her, I quickly embraced her in a warm hug wrapping my arms around her.
I didn't expect to feel her hug me back, but I felt her cold hands tighten around my back for a split moment. And in that moment I felt her heartbeat slow down. She was finally relaxed.
She quickly pushed me off of her after a few seconds of us hugging.
"Go to bed will ya?!" She frowned and closed the door behind her.
I stood staring at the closed door.
She must not have had any type of affection ever since her daughter died, but even for that split second... She let me hug her.
I hurried into the nice cozy bed that welcomed me with open arms beside my brother.
I snuggled up inside the cool, refreshing blankets that coated me with drowsiness.
Yawning, I clenched some of the blanket into my fist and drifted away into a good night's rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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