rain isn't so bad after all

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Kagiura only continued to sign as he looked out the window next to him, class would be ending in a few minutes but it looked like the ruin wouldn't let up.
And he was just so lucky enough to forget to bring his umbrella today,

sometimes he wishes he listened to hirano a little more about things like this.
He just continued to look out the window, he really didn't want to walk all the way back to the dorms in this weather,
but he also didn't want to wait for the rain to stop. Plus it didn't seem like it would end anytime soon.

' ah man this sucks ' kagiura couldn't help but sink into his chair more, at this point he couldn't focus on anything that the teacher had said, but it didn't matter since class would be over soon. He could only just lay his head down on the desk trying to drown everyone out as he closed his eyes. ' This really is the worst '

Kagiura would've be very screwed if hirano didn't show up to his class to share his umbrella with him.

a few minutes pasted by before kagiura out of his better judgment, decided to stay in class resting his head on the desk as he continued to wait for the rain to stop.

He was slowly losing hope, he was about to just get up all just walk back in the rain. That was until hirano showed up in the doorway of the classroom, " hirano-san! " kagiura say cheering up immediately on sight of seeing hirano, as he also immediately sat up straight.

" ah kagiura so I see you still forgot to bring an umbrella... Even after I told you to.. " hirano says as he bright a hand up to his face putting it over his face as he just looked back in kagiura with slight disappointment, more or less he was far more worried about his roommate than anything.

" what if next time you forget to bring you're umbrella again and I'm not there to pick you up what next? " hirano say's as he let's out a low sign. " just.. Forget it I'm sorry I'm just worried about you "

" yeah I know sorry hirano-san.. " kagiura says with a small smile as he continues to rub the back of his neck nervously. Kagiura immediately got up as hirano started to walk out of the class room, there was a moment of silence between the two, it wasn't uncomfortable it was quite nice actually.

as they continued to walk side, by side in the halls as he slowly made there way to the entrance. They enjoyed the little quiet moment that they shared.
" so hirano-san how were classes for you? " kagiura asked obviously just trying to make conversation. " ah.. There were normal " hirano responded quietly not sure what to say, nothing more was said. Nothing more needed to be said as they just continue to walk in comfortable silent.

Finally making it to the entrance, kagiura quickly changed his shoes as he gathered his stuff as he made his way besides hirano, " I guess we're leaving now? " kagiura says smiling at hirano, hirano only nodded in response, nothing really needed to be said as they made there way outside the school doors.

The cold air quickly hit as they left the school, it sent chills throughout kagiura's body. But it was sorta nice, there was also a slight breeze.

Sticking to each other under one umbrella, there was a cold breeze but standing so close to hirano, he was suddenly more warmer.
Hirano was so close to him, it was hard for him to keep himself composed, he could basically feel hirano's warm breath by his ear, the tips of his ears were slowly turning a lovely shade of red that also started to spread to the tips of his ears.

" kagiura next time... Promise me you'll bring an umbrella next time? " hirano says closing the umbrella as he slowly pulls away from kagiura side.

Oh, they were back at the dorms...
Kagiura didn't even notice he was to caught up and being so close to hirano, that he didn't get to fully enjoy the moment... Something like this was quite rare. Kagiura silently starts yelling at himself in his head as he let's out a defected sigh.
" hirano-san, thank you for coming to pick me up " kagiura says giving hirano one of his famous smiles, one that made hirano's heart slightly beat faster, not that he would ever tell kagiura that, But it did.

" yeah yeah... " hirano say's as the tips of his ears turn a lovely shade of red.

Kagiura couldn't be more happily, maybe forgetting you're umbrella on a rainy day isn't so bad after all.

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