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The pain I went through taught me a lesson . I was a victim of gossip n mockery . I was angry at those people, I wish every ill luck upon them . But because I went through that pain , I learn not to make fun of others or gossip others . If I hadn't gone through that pain , I might have end up being the biggest mouth in the room. But that painful experience taught me to zip mouth from slandering others. I thank God. If I had succeed and accomplish my goal, I would've never lean or seek God. But they pain n brokenness lead me to God . I'm glad that God prunes me though it was painful . God would never allow to cause pain without a cause or a purpose . Maybe or maybe he allow those pain in your life so we will learn to lean on God. Maybe he did not answers your prayer because he wants us to learn something from that pain. You might not understand now but later when you look back and reflect, you might have that ohhh moment , eureka

What I see in my life is , what my fears n shame did to my life , though I know , what's right,  my fears n Shame immobilized me from taking the right step. It crippled or paralyzed me from moving forward.
Some of the question are, what would other think ? A voice in my head would say , if you go out there,  you'll make a fool of yourself,  you'll get rejected, the more you talk or expose yourself, the more chances you're gonna be made fun of . Are you willing or do you have what it takes to go through that humiliation, do you wanna really relive that painful memory again. N I said nope......

Voices in my head: guard yourself cause you never know who is out there to put you down... it's not because they are bad but because some people enjoy putting down others for they are doing it out of ignorance , for they haven't learn it yet or maybe they don't know that their action are hurting others or maybe they're doing it because they're hurt.

Forgive them n not judge them but don't let them come close to you or you'll get hurt . Just fortify yourself.
Let them be who they wanna be or let em do what they  wanna do . Just focus on yourself. Your job is to guard yourself. They're not perfect just like you are . So be on your guard and protect yourself . Never Give em the power to hurt you. Take control of your mind for you know your not that strong. Don't let others disturb your peace .......

When 2 imperfect people comes together,  chances are there'll be a clash or a volcanic blast. And you know you're not perfect. But on the other hand there are people despite their imperfection n flaws. They will see the good in you and wants the best for you but to meet those people,  you gotta let your guard down. If not you'll never get to meet them. You gotta put yourself  in a vulnerable situation n leave your shell or nest( comfort zone). Otherwise you'll miss out on a lot of things . You'll never get to truly live or enjoy life .
Living n enjoying life itself is a challenge.  There'll be ups n down but that's how life is. Though you hide or evade life , you can never really escape life, somehow life will let you experience those good n bad times.
You are running from something you can't escape . In the end, you'll lose , if you don't face those challenges, you'll fail n there's only one person whom you can blame n that's you yourself. Hate it or not but that's a fact. Face it now or face the consequences.
God doesn't want you to face those consequences but rather face your present challenge.
Maybe god wants us to face n overcome our challenges one step at a time. He'll not let you face all your fears or challenges all at once but one by one. Slowly he'll reveal n let you overcome your problem one at a time.

No wonder our problems n challenges  cease when we reach our final resting place .

Pain n suffering are part of life itself . You wanna taste honey then be prepared to get a few stings

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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