11 | Friends?

168 3 26

Ok, so this chapter takes place during the same time as when the others were going to visit Pythor and Aspheera so yep 👍

Skylor's POV:

Once the ninja left I walked down the cold stone stairs that led down to the basement so I could watch Harumi to stop her in case of any type of Mischief. Once I got down to the basement I saw Harumi sleeping on her mattress with a small, thin blanket on her I could tell she was cold she was shivering badly. Even though she was an ex-villain I still felt bad that she could potentially freeze to death if I just left her like this, and I knew for sure that Lloyd would kill me if Harumi died.

I frowned and went back upstairs and to Lloyd's room and grabbed a thick blanket and pillow so that Harumi would feel warmer and her head would be more supported. I tried my hardest not to trip on the blanket because it was so long while walking down the stairs. I went over to Harumi and whispered her name until she fluttered her eyes open. "What?" she said sleepily while still having her head on the pillow. Her skin had goosebumps and she was huddled into a ball trying her hardest to keep warm.

"Here. I didn't want you to die from being too cold down here," I held out the blanket and pillow and dropped them in between the cell bars onto the floor "I'll bring you some Hot Chocolate soon ok?" I got up and smiled at her trying my best to make her feel better. "Thanks," She smiled back and huddled the blanket around herself as she started to un-tense herself. I went back upstairs and to the kitchen to make 2 Hot Chocolate mugs, I was also pretty cold. Once I put the water on the stove for it to boil I went to Kai's closet and put on one of his hoodies to make me warmer. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

I heard the stove kettle whistle and I hurried back to the kitchen and turned down the heat. I walked over to the pantry and grabbed all 16 boxes of Hot chocolate mix that we had. We had so many because Lloyd and Jay had been begging us to get more, they are really bad sweet tooth's.


Here's all the Hot chocolate flavors they have :)

- Milk Chocolate

- Milk Chocolate with Marshmallows

- Mint Truffle

- Candy cane

- Dark Chocolate

- White Chocolate

- Pumpkin Spice

- Caramel

- Raspberry Truffle

- Chocolate Hazelnut

- Caramel Fudge

- Mint Chocolate with Marshmallows

- Raspberry Cheesecake

- Peanut Buttercup

- M&M

- Double Chocolate

Ugh now I want Hot Chocolate ☕☕☕☕☕☕

I decided just to use the regular Milk Chocolate with Marshmallows one because I don't know if she likes any of the other ones. I put 2 spoonful's of the Hot Cocoa mix into the mugs and stirred it around slowly, Once the Hot Chocolate powder had dissolved I grabbed the mugs and walked down to the basement very carefully to make sure I didn't spill any on the way.

"Here," I put the mug in between the bars onto the floor and Harumi grabbed the mug and started to drink it. "Thank you," She smiled at me, I smiled back. "It's the least I can do," I said to her "But why did you do it for me? I thought you guys hated me," She frowned and shrugged. "Well because if you think about it we kind of did the same thing," I told her while getting closer the bars and leaning in the corner. "How?" She asked while staring at me "Well, I betrayed the Ninja also," I told her pausing drinking my Hot Chocolate. "You did? What did you do?" She was very interested and fascinated to know what happened in my past with the Ninja. "Well, at first I made it look like I was an ally like you, and then they found out I was working with my father but I was forced too like you but were you forced to continue? Did you ever want to stop?" I looked up at her and tilted my head.

"Ya, after Garmadon killed Mr.E and nearly me I wanted to stop and apologize for everything but I knew that Garmadon and the rest of the SoG wouldn't like that so I continued but I didn't do much afterwards," Harumi confessed to me "I think we could be really good friends," I told her as I smiled, I put my hot chocolate on the floor and we both started to chat. 


No one's POV:

When the Ninja returned back home they were too shocked to say anything.

Aspheera is Amocleera's Sister.

They all just then started talking at the same time. "Whoa, whoa, whoa guys, everybody just shut up we should tell Skylor," Nya said while pointing her finger up acting all smart. "What if something bad happened to her!" Kai said and then ran downstairs, the rest of the team followed.

When they got downstairs to the basement they were met with Skylor and Harumi laughing and chatting. Kai sighed in relief knowing that his girlfriend wasn't dead "See I told you guys Harumi isn't evil anymore," Lloyd folded his arms and the rest of the team just got super annoyed.

"Oh, hey guys! Did you guys found out anything?" Skylor zipped her head towards us and she had a large smile on her face. "We found out that Aspheera is Amocleera's sister," Nya told Skylor "What?" She was obviously shocked at this new piece of information just as the rest of the team was. "Hey, is that my hoodie?" Kai pointed at her (Or his) hoodie "Ya," She just went back to drinking her Hot Chocolate like it was nothing. "It's cold down here," Skylor stated. "You didn't have to stay down here the whole time you know that right?" Cole said as he leaned against the wall. "Well, Harumi and I have much more in common than I thought we did," Skylor smiled and just huddled into a ball in the corner of the room Harumi was also smiling and giggling.

A/N: You know who likes Harumi's Giggles 🤭

Lloyd 😏

"Really?" Nya folded her arms and just stared at Skylor afterwards. "Ya if you think about it, we both kinda were villains in the same way," Skylor smiled, although I don't know why she would be smiling about the fact that she was a villain. Jay started to count on fingers trying to figure out all the same things that Skylor and Harumi did the same. 

"She's right they both like did the exact same thing except Harumi's was more extreme, and they both broke one of our hearts," Jay exclaimed. "Wow way to point it out Jay," Kai and Lloyd both said at the same time while angrily staring at him. "Well Kai and Skylor got together soo-" Jay started but then was cut of by Nya covering his mouth and giggling. Why you may ask? Because Lloyd was blushing really hard and banging his head against the wall. Harumi just laughed.

Maybe it was a possibility.



Jay knows what's up 😏

1189 words

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