Part 11

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The front door slams open.
Oh no.
Robin Grabs my hand and we both run to my room.
He locks the bedroom door.

We hear footsteps.
It's Jamie and his friends.
"Oh Lisa I know your in there, I just want to talk".

It's dead silence.
"I just what to know why you snitched on me to your brother" Jamie says.
Jamie is holding something and is dragging it across the bedroom door.
I gasp but Robin covers my mouth with his hand.
"It's okay" he says " I'm not gonna let them hurt you".

He points to the bedroom window.
"See the window"
I look at it.
"Lets climb out".

I open the window and we climb out.
Robin grabs my Hand and we run fast to his house.

We arrive at robins house and we go inside.
"I think there gone" he says.
I smile at him.
He smiles back "what's the smile for?"
"You always seem to look after me" i say.

"Lisa, it's because I care about you".
"Really?" I say.
"Yes I care about you alot and I always will".

My name is Lisa HopperWhere stories live. Discover now