5 // Come Over

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Everett has only left the house once in the past week, and that was to go grocery shopping with his parents.

Things have been pretty quiet ever since The Incident that happened at Club Inferno. Almost too quiet. Though that hasn't stopped Everett from annoying Knox to no end. He's texted the grumpy biker every single day since being back home, half of his messages being chaotic memes and the other half telling Knox what was going on around the neighborhood, which wasn't much.

"You're no fun at all," Everett mutters to himself after receiving another lame reply from Knox. The guy isn't very talkative, his responses mainly being one to two word replies. "Dickhead probably doesn't even appreciate the daily updates I've been sending him. I should stop wasting my time."

"On what?" Gary, Everett's father, asks after entering the living room. He sinks into his favorite chair and begins flicking through the channels on TV, eventually stopping on a soap opera. "You're not having boy troubles again, are you?"

"Something like that," Everett mumbles. He slips his cell phone into his pocket and then stretches out on the couch, staring out the living room window while wondering what he'd be doing right now if his life hadn't imploded a week ago. "Hey, dad. Can I ask you something personal?"

Gary chuckles. "Depends. How personal are we getting?"

"It's about death," Everett clarifies. "Are you afraid to die?"

"Oh, uh..." Gary takes his time while thinking about his answer. The question doesn't come as a shock because Everett has always been a little eccentric. "No, I'm not afraid to die. I've done all I wanted to do on this earth, and the thought of being reunited with your mother... well, I'm looking forward to seeing her again."

"Yeah, I miss her, too."

"Do you think she'd hate me for entertaining Sarah?"

Everett shakes his head, smiling. "She wouldn't have wanted you to be alone and miserable down here. I know I definitely didn't want that for you."

"I couldn't tell back then," Gary laughs.

He's a short, chubby man with popping joints and a kind heart. The type to give you the clothes off his back if asked nicely. The only thing Everett received from his father was his chocolate eyes. Gary often jokes that Everett's height and good looks come solely from Maxine, his biological mother.

When she passed away, she didn't go alone. She took pieces of them with her, too.

"I'm sorry I was an asshole and gave you such a hard time at the beginning about dating again," Everett says. "Sarah's honestly a cool chick. I really like her."

"She likes you too, and so does little Emily." Gary smiles. He lowers the volume on the television when his show goes to a commercial break. "What's got you thinking about death, son? Is there something going on that I need to know about? You know you can tell me anything."

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