Mrs Right (Completed)

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I sighed looking up at the line in front of me. There were two couples ahead of me holding hands and looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. It made me feel alone and more so defeated the purpose of my coming here. It was Thursday, and just like any other Thursday since two months ago, I’ve been coming to the movie theatre to watch anything. It really didn’t matter, just as long as it kept me occupied.

“Hi Aimee, which movie would you like to watch this time?” Hunter asked knowingly.

“Hey Hunter” I greeted leaning on the counter, “surprise me.”

“Okay, one horror movie coming right up” he grinned. I took my ticket and walked past him. “Wait up” he yelled leaving the counter unattended to.

“If you get fired, tell your boss I’m looking for a job” I teased.

“Oh, ha ha, you are so funny. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s pretty empty today and if anyone shows up, which I highly doubt, Stacey will deal with them.” He smiled pointing to the door behind the counter, to where I presume Stacey was.

“Okay, so what’s up?” I asked conversationally.

“Nothing much, just the same old, complicated, my life is average, bull. What about you? Why are you always here alone?” He asked holding the cinema door open for me. I walked past and sat down in the middle of the first row by the screen.

“Ah, the million dollar question, you’ve wanted to ask that question for a month now” I smiled facing the screen as the attractions came on.

“Yeah” he admitted sheepishly.

“Well” I said eying him. “I’m not sure I want to tell you.”

“Why?” He questioned sincerely.

“Because, it’s well, the same old, complicated, my life is average, bull” I smiled.

“Funny” he grunted looking at the screen. We watched the rest of the attractions in silence. The movie began and I welcomed it’s gory, blood filled imagery. I turned to face Hunter and just as a guy found one of his associates dead body in bits and pieces, I let it all out.

“My mum is in a mental hospital. Every Thursday I go and visit her and it takes a lot out of me. I come here to unwind before heading back home to my two year old sister, so I can tell her in a chipper voice that her mum is okay and will come back home very soon. So I can go back to my little sister and assure her that mummy’s sickness is being treated and that she’ll stop hurting herself. I come here to lose myself in a movie so I can lose all traces of my mother and her schizophrenia. I come here to forget about the fact that my dad, who is a public figure, couldn’t care less about me, my sister or my mother. He doesn’t even try to be there financially. So, yeah, my life isn’t exactly something I like talking about. ” I whispered over the loud shrieks coming from the movie. I took in his sympathetic look and smiled. “Don’t feel sorry for me, I don’t like being pitied. It’s degrading” I stated watching the movie.

“I had no idea” he mumbled with this distant look in his eyes.

“Why would you have any idea?” I asked softly.

“Does your boyfriend know?” He asked ignoring my question.

“No” I shrugged.

“Why?” He pressed.

“Because I don’t have one” I smiled sadly. “No guy seems to find the daughter of a loony woman or the sole provider of a little girl, very attractive, or even just a little attractive” I whimpered as a stray tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it away furiously, frustrated with myself for showing weakness. I smiled reassuringly without making eye contact and continued watching the movie.

“Don’t do that” Hunter scolded.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Smile like that. Tears don’t mean your weak, sometimes they mean you’re strong enough to show what you are feeling.” He whispered bringing his head closer to mine and taking my hand in his. “And I find the daughter of a loony and sole provider of a little girl to be one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen” he whispered softly against my ear sending chills down my spine.

“Hunter” I began but was interrupted by his soft lips gently moulding with mine. It lasted for a second but it was enough to make my heart flutter. “What are you doing?” I asked breathing heavily, not from the kiss, but from the intensity in his dark grey eyes.

“Something I’ve wanted to do since I first laid eyes on you. You don’t realise just how beautiful and strong you are. You willingly take care of your sibling instead of giving up and calling your father for help, which you could do. You go to school, then go to work, take care of your sister and your mum and you're still optimistic. You’re still lively, smart, funny, sarcastic and beautiful. You’re” he breathed brushing his hand though my shoulder length, cropped, black hair. “Perfect.”

I felt my face flush as I looked at Hunter, fully admiring him for the first time. My hazel eyes took in his messy chestnut hair, his small but full brink pink lips and his smoky grey eyes. I looked back at the movie feeling uncomfortable, “I’m not perfect” I mumbled.

“Yes you are” he replied simply. I pressed my lips together in anger and took my hand out of his before standing up.

“Aimee” he called, grabbing my hand and turning me around to face him. “What’s wrong?” He asked searching my eyes for some sort of indication for my sudden outburst.

“I’m not perfect and you don’t have to pity me. I’ve been fine on my own” I spat bitterly.

Anger flashed in his eyes but he didn’t say anything. He moved my body close to his and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. “You are perfect, to me. I don’t pity you Aimee. I love you” he whispered lacing his left hand through my hair whilst his right one stayed around my waist.

“What?” I asked doubting what I had heard.

“I love you” he said more clearly. “Ever since we started talking the very first time you came here two months ago. Actually then it was like, but after I started getting to know you, well, I knew I loved you.” He explained rocking me back and forth to his own beat.

“You can’t possibly” I refused pulling away from him. I looked him dead in the eye and saw that same intensity from before. “Hunter” I whispered. He closed his eyes and smiled.

“You know how every clichéd story out there has a girl looking for her Mr Right, and how even in reality, girls are always looking for that Mr Right. I’ve never believed in that. Mr Right doesn’t exist. Guys only change their stupid behaviour for the right girl, the one that they truly love. So to me, that means that Mrs Right is what girls should have faith in. That they are someone’s Mrs Right.” He smiled pulling me back to him.

“Hunter” I began feeling the emotion of what he was saying bubble up inside of me.

“Aimee, you’re my Mrs Right” he whispered before slowly and sensually kissing me. I deepened the kiss as all my emotions mixed in with raw lust took over. I felt more loved than I had in a long time. I felt as though even though my life was in ruins, I had this small but very bright light in it, that I had someone to lean on. I finally wasn’t on my own.

We pulled apart breathing irregularly from the intensity of that kiss and gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes.

“I love you too” I muttered with so much passion, I knew I really did. I felt him shudder in my arms.

“Say it again” he whispered closing his eyes.

“I love you, I love you, I love you” I repeated. He moaned softly bringing his hands up to my face and pulling me in for another passionate kiss. We pulled away, breathing heavily and stayed in that tight embrace. I could still hear the shrieks from the movie but that all seemed so far away.

“So” I said breaking the comfortable silence that had taken over, “I’ll bring my CV tomorrow because I know your sorry butt is fired” I grinned. He laughed taken aback by the sudden change in the conversation. This was the happiest I had been in years.

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